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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Mike Busch: Here's why tax reform is so tough in Maryland

Maryland House Speaker Michael E. Busch isn't ruling out changes to Maryland's tax structure, but he says the state's obligations for education funding will make it difficult.

"I'm all for tax reform if you do it in a comprehensive way that's going to meet the needs of the budget," Busch, an Anne Arundel County Democrat, said Monday at Stevenson University's Maryland Rising economic development forum.

"I think our tax structure should be reviewed, and it should be comprehensive and it should meet the needs of how you fund your system," Busch added. "You have to determine whether the way you fund education and health care need to be changed."



  1. I would submit that the folks in Wicomico County KNOW the tax structure needs to be reviewed and the way education is funded here needs to change.

    Get rid of the credit card spending and you could start by appropriating less money.

    Get an "elected school board" bill so we can choose for ourselves the leadership that will hold Freddie Freeloader accountable - and you'll end up appropriating even less money....more importantly, the money will be spent in a manner leading to better the education of the students enrolled here!

  2. Michael Busch should lead by example. He and Mike Miller have a strangle hold on the purse strings and spend freely.

  3. Tax reform would be easy if spending reform was accomplished....we don't have a tax problem, we have a spending problem which starts with a democrat controlled legislature


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