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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Members of the Salisbury University community

Hi Mr. Albero, 

I'm a student at SU and a police officer during the summer. I found this email quite ignorant to the position of police officers and especially Darren Wilson. I understand the president/her office has to address the derogatory comments toward protesters. However, why would you declare that what happened in Ferguson with Michael Brown and in New York with Eric Garner an "injustice" which seems to me to be 1. A declaration that our legal system doesn't work considering grand juries found both officers to be not at fault and 2. Why would you comment on a situation when no one in your office and especially yourself has ever been put in. I feel as though the president's office should issue an apology for what I hope was incorrect wording and not a real representation of the entire university.
Yesterday a number of our students, faculty and staff held a peaceful rally to protest the injustices we have all heard and read about that have taken place in Ferguson (Missouri), New York, and elsewhere. I am proud of our students, faculty and staff, who stood up for what they believe in an appropriate, civil, non-violent manner.

Today, however, I was disheartened to learn about the intolerant hate language which a few individuals have posted on social media sites in reaction to yesterday’s campus protest. Salisbury University is a community which celebrates differences and welcomes debate. We will not tolerate hate language or behavior in any form on any site. I want to remind all members of our campus community of the Salisbury University Promise and values, which affirm a culture of civility and understanding. While we all have a right to free speech, at a time like this, when passions are high and controversy abounds, we are challenged even more to exercise civility in our conversation and writing. Together we must hold all members of the University community to high standards for civility and tolerance.

I know that the offensive postings and comments of a few are not representative of the majority of our students, faculty and staff. Indeed, I commend those who, when they read such comments, spoke up in the same social media against hatred and anonymous public bigotry. The Salisbury University community is made up of many people from different backgrounds and perspectives. I encourage everyone to continue to stand for the fair treatment and respect that every one of us expects and deserves.

Janet Dudley-Eshbach, Ph.D.


  1. Ms Eshbach;please do not attempt to rationalize that which is larger than all of us.

  2. I have to agree with 9:06. This has been the result of many many issues that have festered and evolved over the course of several decades. Some of which started as what some assumed would be assistance has taken a terrible turn into something that suppresses. Combine these programs with the breakdown of the family structure and the old concept of doing the next right thing.....and we now have to deal with this ugly monster. The USA is following the unfortunate path that numerous civilizations have before us. History does repeat itself and only the future can determine if ours is one that can break these horrible outcomes.

  3. Typical of the liberal elite--they think and know--so it should be so...

    Classic liberal crap... and the SU President should be ashamed of herself... and give an apology to all...

    Good luck waiting for it--best thing to do is stop donating to the university and have "her" dictate the spending.

  4. Janet,
    Why not resend the email to all with an acknowledgement that the content was, unfortunately, inflammatory, biased, untruthful and condescending.
    All could have been avoided with the use of the word "alleged" to modify "injustices" in your first paragraph.

  5. Janet Dudley-Eshbach You are the biggest hypocrite that has ever walked this Eastern Shore. Think back to the days of collective bargaining and how you treated all the employees at SU concerning their rights and fair treatment. Your a two faced liar and a disgrace to the community. I was going to quote the most hypocritical part of your letter...but clearly needs to include its entirety.

  6. It seems to be bad wording.
    When I first read it, it seemed like she was describing the reason for the protests were due to the injustices we heard and read about.
    But then I read it again and the structure seems a bit wonky.

  7. It is very unfortunate that she has pre-judged our judicial system and the integrity of those citizens volunteering to serve on Grand Juries, when she has no more information than any of us. What a poor example of a supposed
    educator and leader.

    A full apology is in order to say the very least.

  8. It's unfortunate, Mzz Eschbach, that you continue to promote censorship by calling it 'civility'. You slap people down by calling them intolerant bigots. Who is being intolerant here?
    These people have the same right to free speech (as you indicated), but you try to muscle them around by tossing your power phrases at them.
    These people may not be saying what YOU think they should, but maybe you and those like you should just try to be at least as smart as an old cow..
    "Eat the hay, leave the sticks."

  9. To the summer rent-a-cop. I believe you hit the nail on the head. Most people ARE saying that our legal system is broken. And when you isolate how police are treated regarding the legal system ,well its non-existent. So, toe your thin blue line thinking it will save you. When the time comes you will judged along with the rest of us. Maybe sooner.

  10. "injustices we have all heard and read about that have taken place in Ferguson"

    What was the injustice that took place in Ferguson?

    When bottom feeders like Eshback stop perpetuating lies then hate language will stop.
    She is all that is wrong with people today. She's a disgrace who has no problem selling her soul to the devil and is to be dismissed until she decides to stop lying.

  11. "to protest the injustices we have all heard and read about that have taken place in Ferguson (Missouri), New York, and elsewhere"

    More appropriate would have been to say "to protest what some perceive as injustices."
    Then she speaks for everyone.
    Not that this should be expected from the president of a government run institute of "learning."
    She's only a mere slave to an agenda and it clear she is obeying well.

  12. In which of her three houses was she sitting when she wrote this liberal b.s. I just love how old fat Democrat Cows sit in their big houses talking about injustice. Injustice is what she has been paid by our tax dollars.

  13. The president is still mistreating of all employees. She treats the employees at SU the same way now as she did from day one. Speaking of collective bargaining, some should ask her how long employees have tried to gain common ground on issues (financial etc) to be consistent with the surrounding areas and departments. If you look up the Baltimore sun Maryland employees salaries, which they obtain from he freedom of information act, you will see that the president and other department heads are graciously granted significant raises, recent at that, while others are shot down on every turn of bargaining. Way to support your "team"

  14. "In 2007 Dudley-Eshbach posted several pictures on her Facebook profile, among which was a picture of Dudley-Eshbach pointing a stick toward her daughter and a Hispanic man. The caption underneath the picture read that she had to,"beat off the Mexicans because they were constantly flirting with my daughter"

    LOL She has no business what so ever EVER lecturing anyone ever about tolerance. Her daughter has so much to be proud of. With a "mother" that that a child doesn't need any enemies.

  15. This is the "president" of the university. Playing on FB like a child. Unprofessional and immature and she should have been kicked to the curb after this incident.

    Facebook controversy

    In 2007 Dudley-Eshbach posted several pictures on her Facebook profile, among which was a picture of Dudley-Eshbach pointing a stick toward her daughter and a Hispanic man. The caption underneath the picture read that she had to,"beat off the Mexicans because they were constantly flirting with my daughter."[3][4]

    After being contacted by the media, which had been alerted by upset students, Dudley-Eshbach removed the photos and issued the following statement: "Many of us are learning about the positives and negatives of public networking sites such as Facebook. I regret that some of these family vacation photos, with captions that were only intended to be humorous, were included on Facebook. I did not intend for these photos to end up in the public domain, and I am grateful that this was brought to my attention. I sincerely apologize for any offense anyone may have taken."[3]

    In an interview with the Washington Post Dudley-Eshbach said, "Somebody said that the fact that I was apparently going to hit a Mexican, that that was racism. That's not the way it was intended. Frankly, I think the media locally here is trying to make a sensational story about something that was, on our part, innocent. The truth is, I am a very fun-loving person. What we were doing was having fun. There was nothing immoral, there was nothing illegal, there was nothing illicit

  16. I find it hilarious when people bring up the facebook thing from 2007. Obviously it was said as a joke and she should not have had to defend anything. What you are berating her for is hypocritical and you are grasping at straws with that. You are playing into the hands of PC Amerika by suggesting she had anything to be sorry about.

  17. She has a pattern of unprofessionalism it seems going back to 2007 that we know of.
    The SU student who wrote this post shows more wisdom, maturity and professionalism than Eshback.

  18. The injustice in Ferguson is that an officer defended his life against a thug & now has to quit his job & disappear while the race-baiters still continue on with their "hands up" lies.

  19. She wants fair treatment for only those that say what she finds acceptable. The benevolent dictator.

  20. Why she decided to write a book about a problem that could have been addressed in 2 or 3 sentences speaks to a lack of good
    judgment. Less is best especially on paper. Having a big mouth will come back to embarrass you. This is the perfect example.
    There was no need for her to offer up her opinion on anything related to this matter.
    One thing is for certain-she's not very polished or professional and she's reckless.

  21. Someone needs to send her comments to the new Governor

  22. well, her graduation speech today about the injustices in society was to be expected.


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