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Monday, December 15, 2014

McAuliffe Begins Push For Fresh Wave Of Gun Control Regulations

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is pushing for new regulations on gun ownership.

The governor introduced a package of gun control measures in Arlington Monday that he said were necessary to keep Virginians safe. Among the legislation he will pursue during the 2015 legislation session is a bill that would limit handgun purchases to one a month. Another bill would prohibit people subject to protective orders from possessing firearms.



  1. Does anybody even give a damn what the law says anymore?

  2. Democrat whack-job going against the will of the people!

  3. The only new gun bills should be to wipe out EVERY single gun regulation passed over the years.

  4. The Communists are still trying to affirm their power but with a protected populous they can not. SO... they must take the guns away.
    Anyone that can't see that is pathetic.
    Stop the liberals, progressives and Communists, with your gun.


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