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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Man Uses GoPro Camera to Discover How His Dog Keeps Opening the Fridge – See for Yourself

The owner of a 12-year-old yellow labrador named Allie couldn’t figure out how the dog was getting into the refrigerator and freezer when he was gone. But thanks to modern technology he now knows exactly how the pooch did it.

A GoPro camera positioned high above the kitchen caught it all on video. It’s unclear why the dog tips over the trash can before rummaging the fridge (besides maybe to dig for an appetizer). However, it becomes clear at the end that Allie knows exactly what’s in the freezer.

The dog appears to pull out a large piece of meat from the freezer before using the freezer drawer as a sort of ladder to the refrigerator above it. Once the refrigerator is open, the dog somehow manages to pull out what appears to be an entire drawer of the appliance.


1 comment:

  1. They are very resourceful and have iron guts!!! Have two myself


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