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Friday, December 12, 2014

Leaked document: Ukraine's government to eliminate... everything

As the holiday season approaches you might have mistletoe on your mind for cheery, romantic reasons.

What you might not have known however is that the festive flora and its relatives are all actually parasites.

Unable to photosynthesize to feed itself, mistletoe latches on to a host plant and steals away its nutrients and water.

From the mistletoe’s point of view this may seem like a great idea… for a while.

Depleted of nutrients, the host’s growth is stunted. Branches fall off. And eventually if the mistletoe grows large enough, the entire host plant just dies.

Thus, mistletoe can quite literally eat its own self out of house and home. This isn’t exactly a solid long-term strategy.

Given their behavior it seems that most governments belong to the same genus.


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