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Friday, December 26, 2014

Kim Jong-un gets a drag queen makeover as revenge for Sony hack

The announcement by Sony last week that they would not be releasing the upcoming Kim Jong-un assassination film The Interview shocked many, especially when government officials confirmed that it was in fact North Korea who was behind the massive hacking of the movie studio.

Their success was short lived however, as just days later, Sony reversed their decision, deciding to put the film in selected theaters across the country while also releasing it on video on demand on Christmas day.

And now, North Korea and their Supreme Leader are getting mocked again thanks to a new photo sweeping social media that shows the stoic and stern Kim Jong-un with a full face of make-up and the hashtag ‪'#‎YouCantSilenceOurFreedomOfSpeech‬.'



  1. Looks like rich w. 204

  2. Lets just keep poking the bee hive.map

  3. Kim, Your worth to America is in negative numbers, and they are large numbers! Your value to the rest of the world is ZERO. You don't count.

    There are too many countries in this world that are opposed to your rule and politics to make you anything more than a pimple on the world's posterior.

    I don't care if you have Nuclear weapons or not. If you do, please choose to fire the first shot. Then, count to ten.

    That will be your last move.

    Meanwhile, please enjoy the comedy movie that we made for you to enjoy.


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