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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Judge turns loose thug who posted gun threat against cops

A Brooklyn judge cut loose a gang member who hadposted online threats to gun down cops in the hours after two NYPD officers were executed in their patrol car — ignoring prosecutors’ pleas to keep him behind bars, The Post has learned.

Criminal Court Judge Laura Johnson let Devon Coley, 18, waltz free without bail despite the fact that he faces seven years behind bars on charges he made a terroristic threat — complete with an image of a killer shooting cops in their car — and is awaiting trial in two unrelated cases involving assault and gun possession.

Johnson’s stunning no-bail decision came just two days after Saturday’s broad-daylight slayings of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu by a gunman bent on avenging the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown at the hands of police.



  1. I made a comment this morning about our legal system being corrupt. This is a good example.
    I'm sure the judge was paid off by this gang , drug money.
    Anyway , none of this surprises me.

    1. She is a liberal idiot.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The judge needs to be shot.

  3. @ 5:32 PM

    Last time I check the First Amendment had not been suspended.

  4. Another terrorist allowed to walk on our streets.

  5. Its more free speech versus clear and present danger. If he didn't threaten a specific individual there isn't much that can be done.

  6. Sharpton's new friend, no doubt, willing to create more race incited violence to be used by the MSM to pit race vs. race one more time!

    Great show, isn't it?

    Is anyone catching on to this planned method yet? Do we really think these are just random happenings from random judges' decisions?


    There's a plan to divide and conquer us and to destroy America and her Constitution, but hey, I must just be another conspiracy theorist...

  7. It's the new "thugs rights". Every other type of evil pervert has them now, why not?

  8. Publish her address for criminals to take her out!

  9. Equality means holding all people to a standard of conduct and contribution to society. Maybe reducing the 90% out of wedlock birthrate would help the rest of us who are forced to support the endless reproduction and increasing demands for entitlements.

  10. some of the comments here are worst than anything this judge has done. calling for her to be shot, killed and whatnot. what is wrong with you people?

    and they you cry and moan when some weak minded person carries out what he reads on the internet.

    I am all for free speech but some of you really need to think about what you say.

  11. 10:54
    First you have to find a substitute for "free sex".


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