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Monday, December 29, 2014

Here’s What Shariah Law Apparently Has to Say About Women’s Facebook Passwords

An Islamic preacher says that women who keep their social media and cellphone passwords secret from their husbands are violating shariah law, asserting that husbands are entitled to and must demand to know that information.

The Middle East Media Research Institute reported that Palestinian cleric Sheik Khaled Al-Maghrabi gave a lecture at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque earlier this month in which he said women who withhold the passwords to their cellphones, computers or social media accounts, including Facebook, are violating Islamic law.

“In marital relations, the wife must not keep any secrets from her husband,” Al-Maghrabi said according to MEMRI. “If the wife has a cell phone and she uses a password, but refuses to give her husband the password, this constitutes a violation of Islamic law. This is prohibited. A woman is not allowed to block her cell phone from her husband.”



  1. Women beware! Sharia law is coming to town near you! Be sure to welcome your local Mullah to your community! Don't believe me just look at what is happening to England!

  2. I also have this Law in my house... works for us

  3. go away muslims. go back to your home country. this is my country, not yours. get over it bud...

  4. Yeah those rascally Muslims. How dare they suggest secrets in a marriage being a bad idea.

    Your spouse isn't the police, it really is "if you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about."

  5. Anyone ever hear of ISLAM before 9/11...????

  6. The Democrats support this - who's really behind the "war against women"?

  7. I am surprised that they are even allowed cell phones, computers etc.


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