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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Happy Update To An Earlier Post

Remember this post from the other day??  Police catches mom shoplifting eggs ... and then buys them for her

There is a happy update to it.

TARRANT, Alabama - Helen Johnson stared in amazement at the piles of food accumulating in her small Tarrant apartment on Wednesday.

"The last time I saw my house this full, I was 12-years-old and staying with my grandmother,'' said the 47-year-old mother and grandmother. "I've been crying all day."

On Wednesday, Tarrant police delivered two truckloads of groceries to the woman, who on Saturday was caught stealing five eggs from the nearby Dollar General. Instead of arresting Johnson, Tarrant Police Officer William Stacy bought her a carton of eggs and sent her home with the promise to never shoplift again.

That in itself, Johnson said, was a blessing. But those blessings now seem to have taken on a life of their own. Tarrant police said they've received calls from across the United States and world since hearing of Johnson's plight. People have offered food, money and clothing. 


  1. Where is Sharpton now being the cop is white?

  2. If we all pay it forward, even just a little bit, everyone will be better off! Let's all spread some cheer!

  3. It's ok that the devil hasn't come around 10:23. Hopefully stories like this might eventually cause him to retreat back to the depths of hell where he comes from!

  4. If our government didn't send billions of dollars to people in foreign countries who hate us...there could be more programs to help people here in the US.

    Sharpton is disgusting.

  5. A blessing if she isn't falling over stuff.

  6. How can someone help Ms Helen?


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