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Friday, December 19, 2014

GOP's Leaders Stomp GOP Voters on Amnesty

Polls show the GOP’s base is overwhelmingly opposed to President Barack Obama’s amnesty, yet the GOP’s business-backed leadership ruthlessly stomped on GOP legislators who opposed funding the amnesty in the 2015 government budget.

“The allegiance that Republicans have in Washington is to [lobbyists on] K Street, to big business, and they don’t give a damn about their constituents,” said Brent Bozell, chairman of the ForAmerica advocacy network.

“Executive amnesty is what they were elected to stop… [but] they punted on first down,” said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots.



  1. Republicans are Democrats in disguise these days, as a general rule. Mike McDermott excluded 300%. Until Voters are willing to be revolutionary again and vote Independent before our votes are stolen at all elections, we will be mired in the mud forever.

    Test question: We are set to go back to written voting next election, yet actual concrete plans and specifications on how it will be done are totally absent.

    What does that say to you?

  2. Go ahead, keep being Commies like the Dems. We are watching, and keeping lists.


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