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Friday, December 26, 2014

Gallup: Three In Four Americans Identify As Christian

Nearly three-quarters of Americans identify as Christians.

Of those identifying as Christians in 2014, half identified as Protestants or another non-Catholic Christian religion and nearly a quarter identified as Catholic, according to a Gallup survey.

Nineteen percent of Americans do not have a formal religious identity, the poll found — up one percent from last year.

More here


  1. So that means 75% of the people have to cater to the liberal moronic atheists.

  2. I wasn't polled. Was anyone on this Blog polled? Probably not. Statistics and polls are mostly made up bunk. If you poll ten people on a street across from a church you might very well find 3 out 4 identifying as Christian.

    Hell, I'm muslim but my wife and children celebrate Christmas and neither can give one quote from the bible. A fact that often leads to quarrels in our household.

  3. 1:45
    Maybe you should fight over why muslim men can marry non muslims but muslim women can not marry nonmuslims. According to your faith you should be raising the child as a muslim and they should not be celebrating Christmas.

  4. 75% of the country is Christian yet Christians still scream persecution around every corner. All the presidents of the country have been Christian almost every member of our elected legislature is Christian yet Christians scream about persecution if they've been persecuted it is at their own hands.

  5. Obama Crooked SocialistDecember 27, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    3:32 seems to be confused a bit. If you like to know what persecution is,, try to move to one of those countries in Middle East.

  6. I don't believe that poll. I never see that many Christians--either in church or on the street.
    What is the criteria for "identifying as Christian?" Just saying that you believe there may be a God does not make you a Christian. Do they try to live as Christians. Do they believe Jesus is the way to the Father?
    But, by the same token, there are alot of people who can quote you verse after verse from the bible, they aren't "Christians." They don't follow Christ. They don't try to live as Christ would. They don't repent of their sins. They don't pray. And most importantly, they don't love one another.
    Therefore, I do not believe that poll. I wish it were true.

  7. @3:22 Why should I fight about that?

    Its insignificant. Certainly in comparison to celebrating a pagan holiday involving a book which not 1 single quote can be given.

    Though my disdain for Christmas isn't for the tradition or the beautiful displays of lights but the materialist indoctrination that has been tied to it.

    Spend money, often more than what one could afford to prove you love someone.

  8. I am one! I don't church regularly as I have in the past, but my beliefs are solid as a rock. PS.

    Nobody called me for this poll, either!

    My Lord is an awesome Lord!


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