Since your alarm went off at 6 a.m., you’ve roused and fed your kids, sent them off to school, put in an eight-hour day at the office… and now it’s time to feed the family. You know you’ve got the makings for a hearty and healthy stir-fry in the fridge, but that requires at least 20 minutes of washing and chopping veggies.
As you drive through town, listening to your kids fussing about being hungry, a burger joint lures you in; you know the kids will soon be happy and you’ll be able to get through the evening without further raising your stress levels.
Sound familiar? Even the most well-intentioned penny pinchers and savvy shoppers have found themselves in a similar predicament. While there’s no need to beat yourself up over an occasional deviation from the norm, it’s worthwhile to consider making some changes to keep the last-minute drive-through dinner rush from becoming a regular occurrence.
Besides any health concerns you may have, eating out can do a number on your pocketbook. The average American family spends just over $500 a month on food, according to a chart with statistics from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Imagine investing that money into good-for-you ingredients that can be cooked at home while you’re working.
Our monthly food bill is roughly $50.00, give or take $5.00. Hunting, gathering, growing allows us to not rely on stores, and live with what our land and hands produce. Wouldn't change it ever.
ReplyDelete7:40 Thats awesome! Tell me where I can afford 3-5 acres of arable land!