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Monday, December 22, 2014

Fewer US-Born Americans Have Jobs Now Than In 2007

Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million.

The amazing drop in employment highlights President Barack Obama’s slow recovery from the deep 2008 shock, but also spotlights many companies’ growing reliance on foreign migrant labor.

Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.



  1. IT's the politicians fault,both democrats and republicans.I'm liking the tea party more everyday. That asshole Boehner just gave away the store,what an idiot.

  2. Those of us in the working-class that have kept / regained employment are making less than we were before he started destroying the middle class!

    I really like the countdown calendar on the right side telling us how soon this POSOTUS will be gone!

  3. What people are not talking about is the government incentive for hiring these "Foreign" workers, the Obama administration is paying employers to hire them! In some cases, actually paying half the workers wages to keep them employed.

  4. How about companies outsourcing majority of the jobs TO INCREASE REVENUE is the real problem. Not left or right republican or democratic..

  5. Could we be in the end times and Satan is sitting in the WH.


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