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Monday, December 08, 2014

Family of unarmed black man shot dead by NYPD warns Al Sharpton to 'stay away from the funeral'

Family of unarmed black man shot dead by NYPD warns Al Sharpton to 'stay away from the funeral' after 'implanting himself into the service with speaking to the victim's mom'

The family of Akai Gurley - the unarmed black man shot dead by a rookie police officer in a darkened New York public housing stairwell - have warned Rev Al Sharpton to stop meddling in their affairs as they prepare to bury their son and father this weekend.

Gurley’s aunt, Hertencia Petersen - speaking on behalf of the man's mother, Sylvia Palmer - said the outspoken civil rights activist has been nothing but opportunistic over Gurley's death, seeing it as a political play when his family just want to lay him to rest.

Sharpton reportedly implanted himself into the planned memorial and funeral service this weekend without properly speaking with Gurley's parents.

'It’s been a nightmare,' Mrs Petersen told The New York Post.

'He just wants to take credit for this when he’s never even contacted my sister (Gurley’s mother).

'Who made you the spokesperson of our family? We just want to bury our nephew with dignity and respect.'



  1. Good for them. It's about time people called him out for the shameful race hustler he is. How dare he descend on that family like a greedy vulture. They have put the peace and dignity of their son and family above the promise of 15 minutes of fame and all the merchandizing they can profit from in his name. They are obviously people with class, dignity and self-worth, and I wish them comfort and peace in their time of sorrow.

  2. Reading this story and scrolling through the photos is more powerful than any protest has been.

  3. "dignity and respect". Something Rev. Al knows nothing of.

  4. Sharpton needs to called out for enslaving many into addiction to Heroin when he was pimping in Harlem. He has ruined more lives than any one LEO could ever hurt. Families and children with no guide in their lives because their parents were chasing the Dragon. Thanks Rev Al

  5. Sharpton will answer for calling himself a Reverend. He is the devil's son. I do not think he has ever done a good act in his life. The world would be a better place without him

  6. I respect this family for the way they are handling their personal loss. This is the way things should be personal and let them mourn there own way. God Bless.


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