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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers

A former CIA and civilian pilot has sworn an affidavit, stating that no planes flew into the Twin Towers as it would have been physically impossible.

John Lear, the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, has given his expert evidence that it would have been physically impossible for Boeing 767s, like Flights AA11 and UA175 to have hit the Twin Towers on 9/11, particularly when flown by inexperienced pilots:

‘No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors’, he stated in the affidavit.

‘Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted, for the following reasons: in the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun ‘telescoping’ when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center.

‘The vertical and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground.

‘The engines when impacting the steel columns would havemaintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building.

‘No Boeing 767 could attain a speed of 540 mph at 1000 feet above sea level ‘parasite drag doubles with velocity’ and ‘parasite power’ cubes with velocity.



  1. Thats funny i seen one fly into the building when i was there.

    Paul A FDNY.

  2. This stuff is a disgrace to post.

  3. Wow - fantastic special effects! I could have sworn, as did hundreds of witnesses, that two jets were seen and recorded flying into the building.

  4. Date of misinformation is MARCH 9, 2014. Is this considered to be a "breaking news" story. I've learned in my 79 years of living on God's good Earth to never say "Never". I believe 9/11 happened,while that CIA agent disputes that it NEVER could of happened. We each are entitled to our opinions. Does no good to stand about shouting "you are a Fool" for we neither will change the others opinion - will we?.

  5. Obviously this fool has sniffed too much Jet A Fuel.

  6. Wow. Cant really make a comment on how absourd that is

  7. Probably the most famous hoax in history, the Piltdown man, discovered in 1912, was supposed to be the fossilized remains of an early humanoid. It wasn’t until almost 50 years later that people discovered the elaborate hoax and determined that the skull was actually that of a human male while the jawbone was that of an orangutan. Re: List25

  8. "The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible."

    I don't recall ever seeing a gas turbine engine from any aircraft crash ever. Also what is an engine core in reference to a gas turbine? Never heard that term used before.
    This guy appears to be making stuff up to get notoriety Maybe he took part in those CIA LSD tests back in the 60's and fried his brain.

    1. Hey fool i was there and there was landing gear and fusalage there take your head out your Ass.

  9. His story makes interesting reading,but not compelling.The pilots were barely trained compared to typical jetliner pilots.What if they pushed the planes way beyond the normal acceptable limit standards?Knowing that they were going to die anyway would have put them in an entirely different dynamic.A nothing to lose dynamic.

  10. And what type of drugs is this guy using! How about revoking his license to fly!

  11. who ya going to believe lear or your lying eyes?

  12. Now another aspect that has not been addressed yet (that I am aware of);If what this guy says is true the planes were modified before the event took place.That would suggest that the planning phase was much more involved than previously believed.Under "normal" circumstances what he's claiming would be absolutely true.

  13. I'm more curious about the Pentagon's plain. Similar situation and yet very little to no plain parts that would support the "truth" we've been told.

  14. Some people are offended by the conspiracy theories,but regarding 9-11 how can there not be at least a suspicion of conspiracy? 2 planes definitely hit the twin towers and something hit the Pentagon.By 2001 we had entered the age of anything being possible,but as is always the case,extensive planning was involved.That we absolutely know,and as the years pass the likelihood of someone on this side of the pond being involved increases.

  15. Lear is merely saying that commercial aircraft may not be what hit the Towers. IMHO he's attempting to force the gov't's hand and finally get some measure of truth out of them via legal maneuvering within this case.
    I, OTOH, believe the aircraft that hit the towers were retrofitted military under 'Global Hawk' guidance.

  16. Go to youtube and search "Retired Expert Pilot John Lear - No Planes Hit the Towers on 9/11"


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