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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Even after bad budget news, Larry Hogan reiterates pledge to lower taxes

Despite a steady drip of bad news about growing state budget deficits, Larry Hogan isn't backing down from his campaign pledge to cut taxes and focus on business issues.

"We're not going to raise taxes," he said. "We're going to reduce taxes. That's why I was elected governor."

Hogan's camp didn't make any of the new cabinet secretaries announced Tuesday available for interviews, but the governor-elect did field questions on a variety of topics including the economy, jobs and taxes.



  1. He's got a very difficult job ahead of him trying to fix what OweMalley destroyed.

    Please people, support his efforts and have patience. Give him the support he needs to fix things and you may not be disappointed.

    Give up too quickly and Maryland will lose once and for all.

  2. Cut out money going to the racist inner city of Baltimore.

  3. If I found a magic lantern, one of my wishes would be to move Baltimore to California.

  4. He going to do the same like mitt romney did as governor , cut taxes but raised fees.

  5. He can only do so much with the Democrat legislature.

  6. Hogan has more power than you think. If he doesn't propose something in his budget the legislature can't add it. Mike Miller and Michael Busch can cut items from a budget but they can't add things.

  7. When he indicated that he wasn't going to work toward repealing, or even altering, MD's unconstitutional gun law/s he lost all support I ever had for him.
    In fact the entire GOP has disappointed me, so far, after the election. Including Andy Harris' vote in favor of giving away federal park land to foreign mining interests.


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