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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Eric Garner’s Death Shows How Stupid Laws Help Get People Killed

After news of the baffling decision by the New York grand jury not to indict a police officer in the killing of Eric Garner, I sent out a (slightly) hyperbolic tweet that wondered why Americans would want to entrust their free speech and health care to an institution that will kill you over failure to pay a cigarette tax.

Since then, I’ve seen numerous tweets arguing that bringing up the tax is preposterous. It’s something akin to blaming jaywalking for the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ken.), touched on the issue in an interview with MSNBC yesterday and was, unsurprisingly, ridiculed for it by liberals—because mentioning the circumstances of a violent act is preposterous, apparently.

Though it certainly isn’t close to being the most important lesson of this inexplicable case, it’s not something that should be dismissed so flippantly.

Garner wasn’t targeted for death because he was avoiding taxes, but nonetheless, prohibitive cigarette taxes unnecessarily generate situations that make events such as this possible. We frame violence in this way all the time. We often talk about unintended consequences. When we discuss how women who immigrated to this country illegally can be the helpless victims of domestic violence, we also blame unfair laws for creating the situation. When we talk about the war on drugs and how it creates millions of nonviolent criminals and needless abuse by the Drug Enforcement Administration and others, liberals have little problem blaming the underlying policy that makes all of that possible. With good reason.



  1. Too bad that logic is not believed by the left. But it is a good point that people will do what they need to do to survive an oppressive government.

  2. this guy makes more sense to me than anyone else in regards to this matter!

  3. The greedy Democrat taxes and then using the police as tax collection agents.

  4. Md is a prime example of the runaway nanny state...outdoor smoking bans on beaches that already have littering laws to stop the problem.... since second hand smoke is not a concern outside.?? Keep cheering morons....i also watch em stake out the royal farms in va md border near pocomoke..trying to catch tax dodgers too...libtrads are very very very stupid ignornant morons and will never get it...


  6. 2:16
    Did you ever stop to think that maybe he was NOT resisting. He was trying to breathe! Have someone choke you and see if you will sit there and take it. Doubtful. You will struggle to live!


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