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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush, say he opposes Reaganism

Conservative leaders who had a hand in key Republican victories including Ronald Reagan’s presidency, the Contract with America and the birth of the Tea Party, are ganging up to oppose a Jeb Bush presidential bid, declaring him easier to beat than Bob Dole or John McCain.

“I don’t know of any conservatives who are supporting him,” said Richard Viguerie, chairman of ConservativeHQ.com.

“Jeb is a very good moderate Democrat,” added top-rated talk radio host Mark Levin. “He's very boring. He doesn't elicit excitement and energy outside a very small circle of wealthy corporatists and GOP Beltway operatives. Time to move on.”



  1. Everyone else should be behind this also. The Bush clan are nothing but criminals, have always been criminals and will forever be criminals starting with Prescott Bush (GHW's daddy and GW & Jeb's granddaddy), a banker who was convicted of financing Nazi Germany.
    He was run out of NY and bought his way into Texas where most people think of them as 'Northern Carpetbaggers' not 'Oil Men'.
    This country will not survive another Bush presidency.

  2. or another Clinton...ginn


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