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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Conservative Coalition Urges State Officials to ‘Fiercely Resist’ EPA Rule

(CNSNews.com) – A coalition of 35 conservative and free market groups is urging state officials to “fiercely resist” the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) attempt to force them to implement “ruinous” new greenhouse gas emission rules that could double the current price of electricity or face harsh regulatory repercussions if they refuse.

“You should send a clear message to the federal government that if it insists on pursuing the regulatory equivalent of punitive energy taxes, it must promulgate and implement that policy itself -- and be held solely accountable for the disastrous consequences that will follow,” the coalition said a lettersent to governors, state attorneys general and state legislators earlier this week.

The coalition warned state officials that EPA’s Clean Power Plan will “destroy thousands of jobs and break the household budgets of millions of American families struggling to make ends meet -- even if states undertake their best efforts to blunt their impacts.”

“This is the so-called carbon pollution plan offered under the existing source performance standards for greenhouse gases under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.


1 comment:

  1. The EPA is the most dangerous gov't agency ever created and has one thing and one thing only on their agenda., taking your freedom from you.
    If the EPA spent just one one hundredth of it's time, energy and budget on over unity systems they could, in very little time, more then clean and protect our environment. They could give the world clean free energy forever. But they are not about to ruffle the feathers of the corporate energy giants and we will all suffer from their ignorance and control bound agenda.


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