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Monday, December 29, 2014

Civil Asset Forfeiture: The Final Stage Of Collapse Of Empire

Only the Rich Can Afford to Keep Their Homes

Philadelphia prosecutors agreed last Thursday to halt efforts to seize the homes of two of the lead plaintiffs in a widely publicized federal suit challenging the city’s use of civil forfeiture laws in drug cases.

Philadelphia drops a Civil Asset Forfeiture case to prevent any court from ruling just seizing people’s property is unconstitutional. Phily.COM [6] has reported the case of Christos Sourovelis and Doila Welch,who were both caught up in having their homes seized to pay police pensions when the police arrested a relative they claimed was dealing drugs on their properties. Today, you basically have to shun relatives and never pick up a hick-hiker in trouble for if they have any drugs, even marijuana, there goes your assets.

The prosecutors, only after these people has money for lawyers and the press got involved, moved for dismissal in Common Pleas Court. The prosecutor agreed to drop the cases against properties as long as both owners took “reasonable measures” to ensure no further drug crimes occurred there.



  1. Where is that boot licking "if you're not doing anything wrong, don't worry" goof?
    THOUSANDS upon thousands of INNOCENT (the "not doing anything wrong" group) citizens have had money and property taken from them (by ARMED agents of the government) without trial or even any charges. Read that again --- NO charges, NOI trial. Just TAKEN.
    does ..."secure in person and papers" ring a bell? How about "innocent until proven guilty"?
    Don't worry, my ass.

  2. Right on Imclain.That's like the people who say you don't own property-just don't pay your taxes and see what happens.


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