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Monday, December 29, 2014

Cities challenge St. Charles County’s red light camera ban

St. Peters, O’Fallon, Lake St. Louis, and a councilman from O’Fallon are filing a lawsuit in attempt to block a ban on red light cameras in St. Charles County.

Voters approved the ban November 4, with 73 percent of those who went to polls supporting the measure. However, those suing maintain the county has overstepped its legal bounds.

“Seventy-three percent of the voters pass a ban on red light cameras so what these cities are doing are suing 73 percent of the voters in St. Charles County, within their own cities. They’re suing their own residents,” said St. Charles County Councilman Joe Brazil.

Supporters of red light cameras say the cameras are for safety, while critics say they are just a money grab. Who can regulate and restrict red light cameras is open to debate. St. Peters issued a statement saying:

No authority exists for St. Charles County to lay claim to the regulation of traffic on city streets.

“I believe what’s the point of having a municipality if you’re not going to organize and establish your own right and regulations,” said Elizabeth LaFlamme.

“The federal government has jurisdictions over the states, states have jurisdictions over the counties, the counties have jurisdictions over their municipalities, so it’s fairly clear that they have the right to impose laws on those municipalities, especially if those laws are voted into law by the voters,” said Roger Dalsky.



  1. I would have no problems with the cameras if they were really in school zones. Half of the ones in sby are not and its not about safety is about the money.

  2. Has anyone seen any statistical proof that these cameras are increasing "safety" on the road way. To me their more of a fear mongering tactic that is ripe for abuse. Who monitors them? Who is to be held accountable for a wrongful accusation of exceeding the speed limit? Who "calibrates" them and what are their credentials (ie. a degree in electrical engineering)? I can assure you none of this information is public for review nor will it ever be. Money Grab!

  3. The citizens voted this down - the government should not mess with it.

    Just like the citizens in some places overturning gay marriage...then the judge says "you can't do that"...those citizens should vote to remove that judge during the next cycle - if they can't, there needs to be a provision to allow them to remove the judge!

    This country was founded on the premise that the citizens desires are to be served by the government - not the other way around!


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