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Monday, December 15, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Sydney police storm cafe where Iranian jihadist was holding hostages

Explosion heard, several shots fired as police in Sydney, Australia, storm cafe where an Iranian gunman had been holding hostages. Ambulance crews have entered the building. No word on whether any hostages have been wounded or if the gunman is alive.



  1. Here's to hoping they made it so a trial was not necessary.....

    Hope everyone else made it out safely!

  2. America better wake up bc its going to happen here.

  3. 11:36. And when it does the police will not be able to do anything about it because of all the complaining about the police becoming militarized. The terrorist will be better trained and armed. If cops try to kill the terrorist or succeed in killing them there will be mass protests and investigations. If one if the terrorist happens to be a black convert it will tear the country apart even more.


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