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Monday, December 29, 2014

BREAKING: LAPD on Tactical Alert After Two Men Attempt Assassination of Police Officers

The Los Angeles Police Department is under a city-wide tactical alert after at least one gunman opened fire on two officers driving in their patrol car. This tactical alert sent every officer available to the area. The officers reportedly returned fire and were, thankfully, uninjured.

The shooting happened at 9:20 pm Sunday night at 62nd Street and Hoover. While one suspect is in custody and one weapon, a rifle, recovered, there is still another suspect at-large. Police consider him to be armed and dangerous.




  2. The "WAR" is On prepare to protect your family and your property and stock up on ammo the civil unrest is rolling and coming to a city near you.

  3. The wheels of entropy are turning at an ever faster rate.
    Pay attention to 11:58. Or not, at your peril.....

  4. I am one of those 'kop bashers' that come on here regularly to voice my opinion about what I feel are bad cops.

    After the murder of the two NYPD cops, the one in Fla. and other attempts on cops elsewhere I feel the need to clarify my stance.

    First, I have no problem with kops being killed in they are in the process of illegally abusing, hurting or trying to kill innocent people or pets.

    But this 'ambush' crap I do not condone. My wish would be for these types of kops losing their badges permanently, NOT their lives..

    We need good cops. We do not need dead cops. And I ask anyone contemplating such actions to reconsider and do not follow through with it.

    You may think they deserve it and you may think you are doing a good thing and would feel great after doing so. I really don't anyone would feel good about killing another person unless they have serious issues themselves.

    That said, they are many other avenues to take to remove bad kops from their occupation besides killing them and inflicting unimaginable pain on their families and friends.

    There are many bad ones out there that should not be carrying badges or having any authority over anyone.

    Granted, it can be very difficult to file a report against them let alone have them fired, but it can be done.

    Concentrate on those types of actions against them instead of lying in wait to murder them. That makes you WORSE than the ones you are trying to remove.

    They have been kicked around in the media, along with the 'good cops'. We have their attention and hopefully their leaders and unions as well.

    I feel if anyone kills another human being they should be prepared, and expect to be killed themselves.

    This is NOT the correct way to address the police problems we have, and we do have them.

    You may think people will regard you as a hero and applaud your actions and maybe some with similar mental issues may even do so. But in reality all you will be is a murderer and a hated villain.

    Protest. March. Refuse to comply. Change WILL eventually come and it has already started to occur.

    Do not set back the progress we have made and continue to make for an emotional impulse. Please.

    Getting off my soapbox now and will end this rant with this: just as we demand police to follow rules and procedures, we have to do the same or we will lose any support we now enjoy.

    Thank you for listening.

  5. Soon there will be no cops and no teachers. If you want minorities held accountable for their misdeeds and lack of work ethic, do it yourself.

  6. Thought you guys wanted war? Go to the potus and scotus and draft a law making declaring war on the police illegal. Chuckle.

    Maybe you can carry around the court document and show it to the people shooting at you.

  7. Don't think this isn't what the nwo wants. Divided and conquer. Just watch what freedoms we loose in 2015

  8. I agree7;25. Justify more tanks for cops...more erosion of freedoms...UN intervention


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