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Monday, December 29, 2014

Beebe Healthcare Establishes Temporary Visitor Policy

With the number of flu cases climbing in Sussex County, Beebe Healthcare has established a temporary visitor policy in which children under the age of 16 are not allowed to visit patients. The restriction began Dec. 26, the day after Christmas.

Children visitors under the age of 16 cannot go upstairs to the patient areas, nor can they be left alone in the waiting areas downstairs.

The decision was made to protect the health and safety of children and patients. As of mid-December, the state had reported 60 percent of all diagnosed cases in Delaware have occurred in Sussex County.

Children and teens younger than 16 are at a greater risk for flu complications and remain contagious longer than adults. While most people with flu experience a mild illness and don’t need medical care, those with chronic illnesses, such as many of our patients, are at a high risk for developing complications, such as pneumonia. Flu is the most common cause of viral pneumonia in adults.


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