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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bathing Man Grabbed By Testicles and Beaten; SWAT Lied to Get Raid

Chad Chadwick, a Texas man with a clean record, is still trying to live down the multiple nightmares unleashed upon him by a SWAT team three years ago. Because none of those nightmares ended with the lurid and violent raid.

What would precipitate a raid for someone who had never broken the law? A tip, of course. Apparently, a friend reported him to the Missouri City police concerning hisemotional well-being. When someone’s down and out – who you gonna call? None other than SWAT – who eagerly went down to business.

They decided they needed some semblance of justification to SWAT this guy. So they unequivocally fabricated a complete lie to a judge in order to get approval.

They said he had taken some hostages…

They knew this was untrue – they came up with it. My Fox Houston also claims that SWAT was aware of his owning a single shotgun, with which he had never threatened anyone.

So on the night of September 27th, 2011 they arrived while Chadwick was napping in the bathtub.
(How do they always know when you’re in the shower?)



  1. well if he would have just complied with their illegal actions there wouldn't have been any problems. right? just cause the constitution says you have rights that don't mean diddlysquat correct?

  2. Correct 7:41. Deal with the details in court. Finally someone gets it!

  3. 9:23 that was a joke, fool! roll over now and lick your masters boots!

  4. Police state.coming to a town near you


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