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Thursday, December 04, 2014

Baltimore Gun Hot Line

If I read this correctly, someone can call the cops and say Tom has an illegal gun hidden in his house and the cops can roll in and tear up the house just on someone's say so. What if Tom ticked off Tavon and Tavon plants a cheap a gun in Tom's car or house then calls the cops? This policy is subject to abuse of all kinds. Any thoughts?


  1. Chip, chip, chip, chip...there goes another piece of your constitutional rights...chip, chip, chip...

  2. This same type of program worked well in NAZI Germany. Jews were added to the list later.

  3. More feel good liberal bull. Hell if you own a gun in Md. with all the new bull sh** laws it's probably illegal.

  4. it's called infringement, like all gun laws. only police are responsible and safe enough to own guns.....wait

  5. Another example of liberals giving away other peoples money for no good reason, but look at those smiles.


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