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Sunday, December 21, 2014

And What Will You Do Mayor Ireton, Arrest US Instead?

Salisbury has now placed a sign in the median strip at Sam's Club / WalMart on Rt. 13 North telling you, "DON'T CONTRIBUTE TO SOLICITORS"

So are we now to believe WE will be arrested for doing so, yet NO "solicitors" have been arrested. This Mayor is a complete IDIOT. 

I can see it now, Salisbury Police Officers chasing after people making donations to the Salvation Army through the parking lots too. I hope this time they won't chase down 14 year old kids and beat the crap out of them on Rt. 13 again. 


  1. I dont thionk its a law just a suggestion

  2. Personally joe your right and wrong, ireton should have done something about this years ago,second i agree with the signs and more of them around all areas these are criminals acting like there poor when they are not.

  3. You do realize that Jimbo is on the board of directors of the Wicomico County Education Association which is a satellite office of the Maryland State Education Association (the teachers union). He is a moot for anyone he thinks can make him look important.

  4. This follows his inquiries on whether or not there are legal measures available.My understanding is that there are not.The method used by WAWA that addressed panhandling on their property is a legal way to deal with people approaching customers & asking for money.For now Sby will have to contend with it,and that sign doesn't change a thing.

  5. why waste money on signs? When we have an already paid police force to stop the likes of nick parks that are soliciting ? Standing in a median has got to be against the law. Hard to see on coming traffic. Wreckless endangerment.

  6. How about the fire department when they collect money with their boots in hand does it apply to them also.

  7. Get the panhandlers and the low rent thugs out of the city.

  8. Aren't those median signs illegal?

  9. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about the fire department when they collect money with their boots in hand does it apply to them also."

    No, Idiot, it does not. They are collecting donations for a public cause, not for a personal one.

  10. pan handlers are pain. has his car parked out in lot.

  11. I just hate it when they abuse animals by making them a part of this scam. Even worse are the women using children. Coming to a corner near you soon. Rewrite the law to cover this please.

  12. Those signs are ridiculous. If I was a parent of an out of town college student, I'd ask myself why the heck do they need these signs. The signs convey the message that it's a huge problem around Salisbury.

    1. It is u liberal fool.

    2. I think what I meant to say is I wouldn't want my child attending school in this crap hole city.

  13. There are no laws to combat the homeless soliciting with in the city. So the police have no leg to stand on when it comes to this issue. Its up to the public to ask the legislator and city council to create these laws and or ordience.

  14. That sign reminds me of a sign that was posted in front of a 3-foot tall locked gate around the pool in our sub-division.
    It read, "Pool Closed. Do Not Enter."
    Yeah.... That stopped us.

  15. I support the signs

  16. I support helping homeless folks during the cold season. Why not allow the homeless, in conjunction with charity groups, to use any vacant public building for housing during the cold season. The charities could provide that the heating systems are operational & provide fuel for same. In addition, the charities could also provide, if possible, food at the same time. Just an idea. It sure beats dealing with panhandlers & provides a temporary for the homeless.

    1. The old fire house would've been a great donation from the city. Housed alot of homeless plus treatment.And would've served the city better than what $75k?

    2. Seems logical and I appreciate this thought. Most people on this board would disagree and would rather state how they hate these people. Do I like seeing them, not really, but we should be compassionate. If we put as much effort thinking through and executing a reasonable solution, as we do complaining, we'd probably get somewhere.

    3. HOW ABOUT YOUR HOME ? Post ur address liberal.

    4. They should have bulldozed that firehouse to make more parking.


  18. Those medians are actually traffic dividers. They are there for a reason and it's not for people to stand on and solicit! If anything the state should pass a law against standing on those traffic devices and then the solicitors can be arrested and hence a home.

  19. There is a $70 traffic ticket that can be given to anyone standing in a median to solicit in Carroll, Charles, and Washington Counties. I'm sure it does a lot of good.

  20. Jimbo must be getting ready to do his annual sweep of routing out all the homeless's camps of their coats and blankets for the Christmas holiday raid.

    Real nice gesture on his part, since they all have permission to be in that woods by the owner.

    What a POS.

  21. Any sign should read, NO LOITERING, Soliciting or begging! Make it a misdemeanor.

  22. 10:14 has the solution! DO IT!

  23. oops 10:41, I mean.

  24. 10:41 In theory that sounds like a good solution but its not realistic!How long do you think it would be before the vacant house/building was stripped down to the frame,all the plumbing and heating equipment taken to a scrapyard? People would strip it,use it for a toilet AND be a huge liability to the buildings owner.Homelessness can happen to anyone of us BUT all of us have friends or relatives who would take us in,unless-they have burned every bridge they had for support.Sorry Joe I agree with the signs.Will they work?Probably not but its a start.

  25. 10:17, It's LAZY and EASY.

    I understand this is a very busy time for the SPD but it has been proven that at least one of these panhandlers is NOT homeless and continues to stand out there collecting money.

    This also takes away money from great causes like the Salvation Army.

    Loitering, vagrancy, no license, no taxes come to mind immediately. Look at people like Lucky's Garage who have stepped up to the plate to HELP the Homeless.

    Salisbury News used to buy meals at fundraisers. Heck, we would buy out the entire fundraiser and get 200 to 300 meals to not only help the person in need, we then donated every single meal to the homeless and Mayor Ireton and Chief Duncan STOPPED us from doing it. WHY, because they are selfish a$$holes who would rather see the homeless go hungry.

  26. just last weekend I saw a SPD car stopped with his flashing lights on by the median talking to the known panhandler on north 13. He was on the south side of the center median

  27. Sign should say, "Your money's gonna be used, on crack and on booze." It would make me think twice.


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