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Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Little Guns & Hoses Teaser For Tomorrow

In order to not spoil tomorrow's Post on this incredible event I'll simply provide this teaser to let you see a small sample of who attended/participated in this event. 


  1. We were there and had an incredibly great time. I hope this becomes a yearly event.

  2. Needs to be held at the shorebirds.

  3. Stadium would be too weather dependent and at the very least would be too cold. Civic Center would be a better option.
    4 of us attended and all of us really enjoyed the event. Main Street is so much more than a gym/boxing club and we've made a commitment to support them and all they do.
    Would like to thank Sby News for turning us on to Main Street Gym.

  4. Who is the gorgeous girl in the red top?

    1. Which one? The red head or the blonde? Both are gorgeous IMHO.

  5. Ha ha some one tell the sheriff the ugly sweater contest is a myth

  6. We had a great time! The announcer talked about how this type of event (FF's vs LE) drawls 1000's of spectators in some areas.
    While I would love to see it grow to huge numbers for Main Street's sake, I loved the feel of community and fellowship this event had by having it at the gym.
    The young lady who sang the Star Spangled Banner is noteworthy. She did an excellent job. She was better than most those who have sung it on national televised events and are so called professional vocalists.

  7. 8:33-It always sounds better when you are there physically.

  8. I think you are right 11:35, but what I don't like is when whomever is singing it, adds their own twist to it with unnecessary high notes or whatever.
    The only twist I have ever liked added to the National Anthem is the delivery done by Madison Rising which was done with the intent of being somewhat different. Could be that I am bias toward Madison Rising for good reason, but watch the video and decide for yourself.

  9. 2:18
    I agree! I don't like the added "look at me" when they are singing the National Anthem. Madison Rising is the only other version that I like.


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