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Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 12-8-14

Good morning Mr. Albero.

This is the first time I have written you and what I would like to relate is of no consequence given the state of our country and world, but it was just a crappy start to my day.

I was in the wawa store located on S. Salisbury Blvd. on the "s" turn, I was third in line waiting to check out. There were at least 6 or 7 people behind me. This was the only register open and was manned by the manager. When the customer at the register was finished and the lady ahead of me started toward the register to check out, a "suit" walked up carrying coffee and a paper, looked at the lady who was next, said nothing, and stepped up to the register. The lady, obviously too polite to say anything, acquiesced, and the manager proceeded to check him out. He obviously knew the "suit", as he referred to him as "Dale", chatting about buying gold and silver. This speaks, not only to the total arrogance of the "suit" named Dale, but to the total disregard on the manager's part for his other customers who were patiently waiting their turn in line. I know this is nothing but an irritation in an ugly world, but I thought it bore mentioning.
Thank you.


  1. I've had similar situation where I waited my turn got to the register placed my items on the counter and said, shame I'm not as important as say the guy in the site, and then walked out leaving the items on the counter unpaid for.

  2. Maybe someone should have called "Dale" on this act of stupidity

    1. In the late 80's or early 90's I was waiting in the breakfast line behind an older black gentleman at a fast food place in Pocomoke. In walks Mr. Big well dressed White Guy and steps up to the counter as a lady finished getting her order and starts to leave. Older black guy in front of me, says nothing, I step around him and say to Mr. Big, the lines over here. Biggy replies, I'm in a hurry. I've already taken notice of the floor mop with the handy dandy oak or maple handle in the mop bucket, off to the side. I say to Mr. Big, get in line like the rest of us or leave here in an ambulance, your choice. He hesitates, but as men from my past have seen, my will and determination are easily apparent andfull blown action takes place anywhere I am is less than a second.. I'm kind of intense when angry. He acquiesces and gets in line as he should have from the start, I get my food and walk outside to my vehicle. The older black gentleman comes over and thanks me and said that no one had ever done anything like that for him in his life. I told him that I did it for the both of us, gave him a you're welcome and drove off to an action down in Virginia. I can't remember but I'd guess that breakfast sandwich and coffee probably tasted a little better than usual on the ride. When you're in the right, take a stand, the size of the guy is the least important thing to factor in. Semper paratus.

  3. WTH is a "suit"person?

  4. I would have punched him in the ball sack. I manager is a puss for not speaking up. Wonder who "Dale" is ?

  5. Will be the last time I shop at a Wawa

  6. Next time around----Don't let
    these "Dales" get by with such rudness without speaking up!
    IE; "Excuse me, I was next to
    be waited one." If enough people
    do this---These "Dales" will get
    the message.
    I would definitely have to say
    something of "interest" to the Mgr. of that store too without
    bringing the situation down to
    their ignorance, remembering when
    you lose control----then the other person has it!!

  7. 10:30-The first image that pops into your mind after reading this is a "suit".No thought required.All of us have experienced the same from those who consider themselves superior.

  8. Can't stand when somebody does this. Always speak up and loudly. Most people won't say anything but they will appreciate your effort.

  9. 10:30 a suit is white collar worker who thinks he better than a blue collar worker.A- holes like that have no respect for anyone and treat everyone like dirt,that is until their car breaks down or their toilet gets stopped up.

  10. contact wawa, they will follow up

  11. All the manager needed to say was: Sir, the line starts back there. I will be with you in a moment... Ma'am, how can I help you?

  12. Dale Watson ??? I do not know why people do this. It is total ignorance. If anything a gentlemen would allow the lady to go first. This is just the tip of the iceberg people are getting worse.

  13. I'm one of the suits you are referring to.
    Personally, I would never condone such inconsiderate behavior. As far as being better than anyone else? Life at times can be the great equalizer and pride cometh before the fall.

  14. It seems that some people in our society think they're more important & in more of a hurry than the rest of us; this is where a lot of the aggressive driving is coming from, IMO. As someone who used to manage a convenience store, the manager's a$$ was out on this call. I would never have allowed it to happen; I guess the manager thought he was sucking up to a regular, when all they really did was alienate many more paying customers. Maybe just didn't have the balls to say something!

  15. 12:49 Agreed. And a 6' man is 4' tall real quick, when his knee is in pieces.

  16. Dale the Chipmunk?

  17. That store was great when they first came here gut in that hood it can't last much longer I'd be willing to bet their losses are huge due to theft. I used to go their all of the time and watched several people stealing and alerted the management to how they were doing it and got a disgruntle thanks. Stopped going when I realized how very unclean the joint is as well as their employees. The guy that manages it now is a total jerk and very unfriendly he acts like it's a chore to have to run the register which I don't understand after all it is his job.

  18. I work in customer service and often have people ask to be waited on "next" because they have this to do, or there to be. I tell them sure you can, if you turn around and ask all these people that has been waiting if they mind. I Say it with a little chuckle, to down play my sarcasm, because after all I am professional.


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