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Sunday, December 07, 2014

50 Protesters In Downtown Salisbury

There are some 50 people walking from the Salisbury Police Department to Downtown Salisbury, (80% black, 20% white) with signs that say "Hands Up". 

It was only a matter of time before the LOOK AT ME's of Salisbury weighed in on the Ferguson shooting/incident. 

By the way people, they proved that the "Hands Up" was a load of crap. 


  1. Joe the story the other day about the protesters scaring the kids at the mall had a video when you clicked on the link. They reminded me exactly of the occupy wall street protesters. I think these people are paid to just go around and protest.

  2. Wow they walked a whole two blocks? More work than they have done all year probably.

  3. Protesting a criminal that got shot in Missouri? Why not protest welfare fraud, black on black murder, Obama destroying this country?????

    1. Was he a criminal or an a depressed young man looking for a way out of his depressed colored life ...lets have hearts and think deeper

    2. Depressed colored life? What a ignorant person you are

    3. AN ignorant person....not A ignorant person...when you preceed a word starting with a vowel "a" converts to "an". Get an education.

  4. It is curious that these idiots ignore the fact that the thug Brown stole from a store and assaulted the store owner.
    They ignore any facts that don't fit their agenda.

    1. Hey suicide by police is illegal the boy dared to be shot and put out stolen goods lets be smart was he a thug or a victim of depression

  5. Damn and thought we would escape that nonsense.

  6. WOW 50 people that are clueless to the facts. or 50 libtards.

  7. Really, now only if it was your children.... a person that steals is not a Thug an don't deserver to die...

    1. @ 1:40 pm I like how you conveniently forget to mention that the big black punk just robbed/stole cigars from a store and then strong armed a person who tried to stop him from leaving. Then when the cop tried to stop that 300 pound punk, the punk closed the police car door on the cop as he tried to get out, then reached inside the car to take away the cops gun, while the cop was trying to protect himself and also keep big black thug from getting his gun. The Thuggy in Huggies runs away with friend. Cop finally is able to get out of car and tries to do his job. Thuggie refuses to yield, the runs aggressively straight towards smaller policeman in full big black thug attack mode and get shot, then continues closer to cop because he's mad and nobody tells thuggie what to do. He's big black and invincible in his own small thuggie brain. He's showin everybody, including his friends how tough he is, even if it kills him, he's gonna show law enforcement not to fool around with big black. The punk sob got killed and deserved it. End of story Got that 1:40 pm????????? That goes for black OR WHITE punks.

    2. You're asking for it by hitting a cop and grabbing his gun. Thug. He got what he asked for.

    3. There is real live video of this you should watch it and not read it proof is how you say in the pudding 300 pounds hahaha by what the hoodie he wore attacked cops stood 300 feet away on wall as he was shoot no were near the officer or there suburban

    4. Lol. All of u were there, seen it, & did nothing to stop it? I'm Sooo glad we have eyewitnesses all living on the shore. Lol. Smh

  8. 1:40
    He attacked an officer and was coming back to do it again. He chose his path and it didn't end well for him. I guess you think the officer should have just let him come back and pound on him some more right? At what point should the officers use force?

  9. Maybe they will pick up some of the garbage on the street and put it in the trash.

  10. When he stole the cigars he pushed the store owner out of his way and was aggressive, that man was a lot smaller. The blood trail evidence supported self defense. Can't deny facts.

  11. 1:40
    We don't deserve to die in Chicago and other cities either but we turn a blind eye to that because it doesn't fit the narrative. I am tired of our people always playing the victim. When will we accept personal responsibility in our communities?

  12. Really... The officer shot him already, he could have tased him to get him under control after he shot him. We really don't know if Mr.Brown was walking back to harm the officer, the officer has to many things in his possession where he could have controlled the situation better, like mace and a taser gun. He could have used after he shot him. Please if the shoe was on the other foot I'll be marching right beside You!!!!

  13. Being a man is incredibly difficult, or else boys could do it. Time to grow up!


  15. We really don't know if he was coming back to attack the officer, but wht I do know is Mr. Wilson had already shot him, his next step could have been mace him or to tase him, backup was already on its way. Please if the shoe was on the other foot, I'll be marching right besides You!!!!

  16. 1:40--

    The theft doesn't necessarily make him a thug, but throwing around the store clerk & threatening him on the way out of the store with the stolen merchandise does. Assaulting the officer in his car & attempting to disarm him (what do people of your mindset think he planned to do with the officer's gun?), then bum-rushing him does. Sorry, live like a thug, die like one! Gentle giant, my a$$!!

  17. Let's head down there and play the knock out game !!! Who's in ???

  18. 2:09
    From my understanding they do not have tasers. If he was still headed towards the officer after being shot do you really think a taser would have mattered? What do you think the reason for Mr Brown heading back towards the officer? You think he was going back so they could shake hands or play cards? There are a ton of shoulda woulda couldas. Mr Brown SHOULDA listened. Mr Brown COULDA obeyed the law and Mr Brown WOULDA been alive today and in jail.

  19. I'll make a sign real quick n meet them. Who's with me?

  20. If you put your hands up and listen to law enforcement, you won't be put in these situations whether you have done anything wrong or not! Stop making the police out to be bad people.

  21. The problem I have is how come we don't see this display when a black kills another black? The reality is-other blacks are what blacks have to fear and not cops. A handful of LE involved shootings are nothing compared to the 1000's of blacks that are killed by other blacks a year in this country.
    People can't be taken seriously when they pick and choose what life has value.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    Really, now only if it was your children.... a person that steals is not a Thug an don't deserver to die...

    November 30, 2014 at 1:40 PM"

    He was a thug in every sense of the word. He's and his type do nothing more than contribute to the further decline of neighborhoods. They serve no useful purpose in society. Don't even bother going the "if it were your child" route. Most people's child do not nor have they ever gone around terrorizing neighborhoods making them havens of crime and poverty, unfit for decent people to live in.
    FYI-Brown was involved in another altercation at that same market at 1 in the morning as well as later on in the morning on the day he was killed. So he has a pattern of terrorizing people.
    But if these people in Salisbury want to memorialize a criminal then that's their business. Just goes to show all how low some have sunk.

  23. Brown was destined to live a short life anyway.Miraculous that he lived as long as he did .Seriously speaking,don't we all know the rules of life? Decency isn't rocket science.In my personal opinion no one ever taught him how to act and no one ever set an example for him to follow.The after verdict actions of his parents gave us all a glimpse of his upbringing.

  24. When there is an opportunity, let's play bring up race once again in America. When morales and ethical behavior fails, let's rely on the individuals who put thier lives on the line to protect us. When that doesn't work, Let's burn our OWN communities down and bring up issues that continuosly divide this country, even when they are irrelevant to what actually happened, legally. Fact of the matter is that society has taken every accountable element (religion, family, education, jobs etc...) out of certain communities, resulting in basic lawlessness and constant problematic behavior. The African-American (or AMERICAN in most cases)community, along with the hispanic and caucasion, needs to move past the pitty party, educate themselves and thier children, and act responsibly. Then racism will eventually fade away. Until then, the "wild card" of calling attention to it through vandalism and violence every chance you get will continue to eat at the heart of the community, promoting the stereotype that is claimed to be contributing to racial profiling.
    Time to move past it people, make your lives better, contibute positely to society and make this a better place!! And for those who say it's not possible, start your education to figure out that it is if you actually get up, get dressed, sober up, and TRY!!!!
    Good grief.....

  25. Throw job applications out around them they would run the other way

    1. Really? It seems to me that you're stereotyping all African Americans as ones that do not work or contribute positively to the community. I think playing the race game to get sympathy in this case is ridiculous. As a soon to be college graduate, with two jobs, my own business, and an African American woman without children, I think your comment is ignorant and irrelevant.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Really, now only if it was your children.... a person that steals is not a Thug an don't deserver to die...

    November 30, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Guess what Homie he wasn't my child. My child has more respect for other people. My child has more respect for the police. My child doesn't steal from others. My child doesn't push people around. My child doesn't try to take a police officers gun. My child doesn't try to murder a police office. My child knows better and your child and Michael Brown deserve to die.

  27. Lovely. I bet not one of these marchers can name one name of any of the local black on black homicide victims.
    Funny how they haven't a problem inserting themselves right up the rectum of this controversy since they can attach a racial agenda to it, but when a black kills a black they don't utter a word, not a word.
    It's disgusting how little they value life.

  28. Mr Leon Harmon, African American man a school bus driver for years and from just over the VA line in Horntown never done a thing wrong in his life MURDERED by Michael Anthony Press AFRICAN AMERICAN life long criminal.
    Why no protest over this! A decent hard working man like Mr Leon gets nothing and Michael Brown yes a THUG gets this!
    These protesters need to get down on their knees and beg for God's forgiveness otherwise they will spend their eternity in HELL.
    Yes how low we have sunk and I'd like to have some names of these protesters so I know who is the wolf in sheep's clothes!

  29. After hearing that uncouth, foul mouthed mother & father, I can see how he was brought up

  30. I really wish the store owner, from whom he stole the cigars, had shot the thug

  31. Cousin Eddie needs to make a trip downtown with a basket of rattlesnakes.

  32. I can tell you this is why not many BLACK parents even wants their BLACK child going to Salisbury. A lot of BLACK people there have no common sense and don't teach their child any respect to any one much less to authority.
    All children needs to learn respect for everyone and if someone of authority like a police officer or a teacher tells you to do something you do it and I don't care if that person is black white or purple, my child better listen.

  33. To whoever (2:09)above, SEVEN BLACK WITNESSES backed up Officer Wilson's story, and they are still black as I write this.

    Read facts and learn, please.

  34. I am not your Homie.....

  35. The message is lost by using the wrong martyr.

    Blacks have a point, they are targeted. They also have a point that cops are now shooting first and then walk free, look at the 12 yr old that was recently killed because the cops handled it wrong.

    Our police are now militarized, this is also a problem.

    Your politicians and the media have orchestrated this, to some degree, and the black bought it, using the wrong martyr, but they get the point of the problem.

    And whites are too blinded by the killing of the thug and are losing the message, which goes far beyond the killing of a hoot rat.

    You need to see beyond Michael Brown and recognize that there is a cop problem and the government is grooming you to accept abuse and the violation of your rights.

    They love that you are blind to the issue.

  36. They would get a better response by protesting in front of barbara Duncan's house

  37. to add to the 6:34 comment, most of these witnesses also described the "walk" toward the cops as "charging", one said he did like a football player would do others said running.
    And the whole time a black lady was yelling at Brown to "lay yo ass down."

  38. Yeah, i drove past the group while they were chanting "black lives matter". One of them stepped out onto 50 in front of me to hold up his fist-ala-black-power and he almost got transformed into a pancake. Moron...

  39. Let's get this whole thing back to basics. If Michael Brown had just moved to the sidewalk as instructed, none of this would have happened. No one would have died, nobody's store would have burned down, nobody would have rioted, nobody would have marched, and nobody including the Reverend Al or the Reverend Jesse would have been in the news.

  40. Taser my ass. Apparently you are not fully familiar with one. When I have some 6'5 @ 250 lbs who had already assaulted me, tried to take my weapon and do not know his intention should he have gotten it, I ain't about to play games. I was going home that day

  41. 6:34

    Really you need to do your research about how mny people witness wht happen that day.....

  42. 651, 634 here. Anyone marching down a Salisbury street carrying signs about M. Brown whose intention is to call peoples' attention to the "Militarization of Cops" or even police arresting more blacks than whites would be as ignorant as me carrying a protest sign against puppy sales when my purpose was to stop hormones on our beef!

    What an idiot!

    Those "protesters" are just a bunch of "look at me's" that are pretty much useless in our society.

  43. Well they did not stick around long. We went by there about 3:30 and downtown was a ghost town. There were 4 teens in the parking lot next to the library with skateboards talking. They were the only people that we saw.

  44. Has everyone forgotten the race riots of 1968? Stupid humans just like this current event where rioters tossed THEIR OWN food at passing motorists. Oh, did I mention that the next complaint was lack of food sources for the inner city residents? And don't forget that small business like clothes cleaners were torched that contained the resident's clothing. Duh!

    I was there instead of home with my family in order to protect law abiding citizens. If you don't respect law and order, I view you as scum.

  45. 6:34 you are the idiot and a classic sheeple. Keep drinking the koolaid and watching the MSM.

    I was not even talking about the protestors in Smallsbury.

    Look beyond Brown and see what the real issue is, that is being lost in all the intentional chaos and false flags. It is being orchestrated and molded by the media and gov to fail.

    Keep holding tight to your ignorance.

    Sincerely - 6:51

  46. There was no attempt to loot. Nothing down town worth taking.

  47. 6:51 just sit down and shut up

  48. 651, you are a moron. The article stated the protesters were holding up a sign that said "Hands UP", not "puppies for sale".

    ...And you still don't get it...


  49. Heard they were carrying signs that said "Black Lives Matter."
    That's interesting because you hear not a peep out of them when a black murders another black.
    They want "justice." Well what about Antonio Smith and Arlene Byrd unsolved murders from a few years ago. How about putting some effort in getting your homies to help solve this murder. Someone knows something. Until as much effort is put into preventing and solving black on black crime the world knows the "black lives matter" is really just a load of crap. Yeah they matter when there is a racial tone to it, but otherwise no, black lives DO NOT matter atleast to other blacks.

  50. The "Black Lives Matter" is very disturbing. I would think in a civilized society ALL Lives Matter including those of police officers, who risk their lives everyday policing the cesspools of crime and poverty that are the reality of the black neighborhoods.
    These people are sick. Anyone who celebrates and mourns the life of a criminal like Brown, needs to get the hell out of this country and go where lawlessness abounds.

  51. "Black Lives Matter?"
    My my my how the lies can flow out of these people. Black lives ONLY matter when a white kills a black. This is the whole problem with blacks and why their young men commit crimes disproportionally. There are very few if any positive role models in the community.
    They care nothing about being honest and lie without guilt.
    Honesty is the pillar of a civil society.


  52. How anyone can stand holding a sign saying Black Lives Matter without a hint of embarrassment is astounding, because it is a fallacy, proven each and everyday when a black kills another black and no one says a thing.
    It's a study in dysfunction.

  53. Whats the big deal seems like both groups get checks from the state anyway so there one in the same to me.

  54. Gee looks like 6:51 had a point, now that cop #2 in NY has been deemed innocent for killing someone.

    But you morons keep arguing about how much Brown weighed, what the protestors signs said and whether he was depressed.

    11:41 PM & 6:14 AM most certainly look like the morons now.

  55. First off, I am white. I was raised in an upper middle class, white neighborhood. I have never been arrested, though I did a TON of stuff as a kid that I should have been arrested. As I am sure most everyone here has. Never violent, but certainly illegal.

    I won't argue that Michael Brown was behaving as a thug. But he was a kid.

    What many of you, who are "people like me" do not understand is that we do not really understand what low income African Americans face with law enforcement and the penal system. Even your hero Rand Paul agrees!

    It is easy, and extremely hypocritical, to argue "don't break the law" and you won't have any problems. Because we all, or most, do stupid things in their youth. It is part of growing up.

    Take a black kid and a white kid who are both the same age. Pick your crime - minor theft, drug possession, fighting, vandalism, you name it. Let's go with simple possession or small time sales of a controlled substance. Both kids are doing the same thing.

    The black kid is more likely to get noticed by police and in a position where they will find the drugs. The black kid, if caught with small possession, is more likely to be arrested vs given a warning. And the black kid will most likely receive a stiffer sentence.

    Too many people throw around stats that show African Americans commit more crimes. What they don't realize or mention is that African Americans are more likely to get arrested, so a white guy who gets let go or gets a better deal doesn't fall into the stat. Who knows the reality.

    I am in so way speaking poorly about our local cops. I have a number of friends on the force and all are upstanding people.

    These protests area about the larger issues. It is because of experience that people don't take the grand jury, with all of its abnormalities, at face value. The Brown case may be the catalyst but that's not what it is all about. And now here we have the NY one with no indictment. Let's see what happens in Cleveland.

    Everyone should support free speech protests, and the like so long as it is done peacefully. That is America! If law enforcement in MO hadn't been so pathetic, the rioting could have been avoided. Somehow NYC didn't burn last night...

    So feel free to live in your nice Caucasian ignorance and convince yourselves that your animosity is devoid of racism. Let's see how that helps to bring together our fractured society.

  56. Sorry I'm late on this one. I didn't know it existed until tonight.

    I am not shocked by the ignorant comments on this subject. They are the same type of comments whenever there is a topic about black people, liberty, freedom of speech or pretty much any other American value and principle.

    What does shock me is that Joe would actually write such an article and publish it on his blog.

    I always thought you were better than that Joe.

    You have the right to do it, of course, I was just under the impression you were pro-freedom for everyone.

    You of all people around here knows the feeling for standing up for your beliefs against the odds and everyone against you and putting you down.

    For you to ridicule, demean and make fun of others who are standing up for their beliefs, their/our freedoms, calling attention to what most consider abuse, brutality and oppression, just floors me.

    You have been the underdog. You were investigated. You were taken to court. Your good name was trashed, accused of all sorts of things.

    But you fought each and every one. And won. You won when people were laughing at you. Regarded as a fool. A trouble maker. And even the dreaded 'come-here' label.

    But none of that stopped you. You stood your ground and fought back. You fought for what you believed in and against what you believed was wrong.

    And yet you cannot afford these people, no matter the number of them, the same respect you fought so hard to get for yourself?

    Right, wrong or indifferent, these people are actually doing something. That is one of the things you have consistantly admondished people on your blog to do. Something. Anything. For them to stop complaining and do something to change things.

    And for this type of action to even occur in the area of Salisbury is amazing in itself.

    I'm sure they knew the type of responses from people in this area they would receive, and the did it anyway.

    I applaud them. For them to do this simple American exercise of their rights, took guts. Much more guts than any of the naysayers on this blog possess lumped together.

    I don't know what else to say...

  57. It is sad a young man has lost his life and an officer of the law had to end it but if laws were followed this would have never happened no matter what color their skin.

  58. LOL no matter what you think about their position, its funny that you right it off as them being "look at me's". Sounds to me like you have citizens being active civic participants and practicing their first amendment rights.

  59. 10:00 PM, I fought back because I was innocent and proven of such. What others had tried to create about me was a LIE.

    A Grand Jury made a decision in this particular case and the Officer was proven innocent.

    My personal problem with this particular matter is, much alleged evidence, (hands up) was proven to be completely false. Obama sent Holder to stir the pot. I WARNED ALL OF YOU months ago, DO NOT FALL FOR THIS RAP! Do NOT let Obama stir the pot and divide us as a country, you ignored me.

    You talk about my fighting back. There was no life or death, black vs. white, presidential interference, this is a much different story.

    I feel the community and the NAACP are making HUGE mistakes in this matter and they should know better.

    Now, I'm not saying what happened in New York isn't a completely different story. I see a lot of wrong there. HOWEVER, making it EVERYONE'S problem is wrong, in my opinion.

    Here on Salisbury News, we have been delivering stories for more than two years now about the "KNOCK OUT GAME". Blacks have been knocking out INNOCENT whites and elderly people and guess what, BOUNCERS at Bars are getting POINTS for doing this, making it a GAME.

    That being said, I personally have a close family member who was a victim of this GAME. I could have made it an issue right here on this Blog but I did NOT.


    IF I were to cover it up and NOT expose what is going on here at home, well, it never happened then, did it.

    Now, IF they had MARCHED because of the 14 year old who was severely beaten by a Salisbury Police Officer, THAT WOULD BE ONE THING. Shame on the NAACP for not making THAT an issue. Instead, they are riding the wave of a national story recognized by our President. THAT is a total load of crap.

    Oh, I cannot wait for your reply now.

  60. I agree. Protest all you want but do not do it under false pretenses (the hand's up lie) and expect people to be civil to you. People spreading the hands up lie need and deserve a slap down and deserve to be publically humiliated. Decent people need to fight back against liars and they need to be shown when you lie you will never be treated as an equal because you aren't an equal.

  61. I wasn't trying to imply hands up was not a lie, or is a lie for that matter.

    It's not a black thing, it's not a white thing. It's a police thing.

    Maybe they should change the name of their protest so it is more pleasing and accurate to some.

    The larger point is the frequency of the unneccessary killings by police. All kops have to do is utter a pharse like 'I was in fear for my safety' and they get a pass.

    Kops lie. They are trained to lie.

    I didn't cause the mistrust of police. Eric Gardner nor Mike Brown caused it. No other criminal caused it. The POLICE caused it.

    We have a killing on video. A kop who has already been proven to have lied in other cases. Been in at least two lawsuits, one settled and one still pending.

    Now they are saying he died because of his health. He died because he 'resisted arrest'.

    Looking at the bigger picture and what judges like to call 'preponderance of all the evidence', a pattern emerges.

    Police 'investigate' themselves and find they are blameless. They get neighboring police dept's to 'investigate' them and the outcome is almost always the same.

    It's not until the F.B.I. gets involved that any real truth gets out. And they still try to make excuses about that, anythihng they can use to try to discredit their reports.

    The police controlled the evidence in the Mike Brown case. They didn't want to release any of it and took a very long time in doing so. And when they finally did, they included a video of him strong-arming a store clerk. A weak attempt at justifying killing a 'thug'?

    The point to pot being in his system. ( which stays in anyone's system for 30 days after use). Does any amount of pot dull the pain of being shot 5 times before the fatal shots find their mark?

    After the shooting another cop radios in requesting more back-up because 'there is going to be a problem'. How and why would he know that?

    Given their histories, I have a problem believing anything police say. Now we have one on video, using a banned chokehold, ( which they really never stopped using, there are over a THOUSAND complaints against its use), and a grand jury finds them faultless yet again. ( after the jury was instructed NOT to consider reckless endangerment)

    Kops kill, on average, over one person a day, every day in this country. We will never know the full amount since they under report and some don't report at all the number of JUSTIFIED shootings to the F.B.I. And UNJUSTIFIED shootings do not get reported at all by any agency that I can find.

    Police on the other hand are killed an average of just over 100 in a year. The majority of which are NOT the result of some felon with a gun as they would like you to believe.
    So excuse me if I find everything police say as suspect. They are using Eric' history against him so the same is applied to police.

    They are responsible for their tarnished image and the mistrust they feel, no one else. Not even Al Sharpton could have done a better job at turning the people against them.

    You say you fought because those people lied against you and these people should not march because they are basing it on a lie. That may or may not be true. Even assuming it is true, given the history of police actions not only in Ferguston, but across this nation, does it really matter?

  62. is this a commentary on unemployment or the right to life? If i see one more comment about "throw a job application at them" i'll scream! Having just moved to Salisbury in the last few months with 15 years of CONSISTENT work history, a degree and the 'right' color skin i STILL can't get a job here...in fact i'm currently volunteering to fill the time. The TRUTH is that this is the case in most communities across the nation, even for educated white people (who, by the way, have no right to speak on minority issues that we can't POSSIBLY begin to understand). Overkill is overkill no matter who commits it. Found 'not guilty' is one thing but not indicted at all is no less than a failure for the judicial system to operate the way we Americans expect them to. This kind of failure, unchecked, leads to a police state and calls in to question the freedom of EVERY citizen as we continue to turn over our power as a people to a bunch of cops...often 20-year-olds with little to no education who we simply train and arm and then call them the good guys. It's a questionable system on it's best day.

  63. Anonymous said...
    AN ignorant person....not A ignorant person...when you preceed a word starting with a vowel "a" converts to "an". Get an education.

    December 7, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    Oh yes, proper grammar is much more important than freedom or civil rights or democracy or justice or standing up for what's right or ...oh the list just goes on and on.


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