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Monday, December 15, 2014

4 Christian teens beheaded by ISIS for refusing to convert. No outrage from UN? Feinstein? Obama?

As you may recall, last week Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, released what was termed the “torture report.” Of course it was a partisan Democrat report that had no input from a single CIA official or agent.

Sen. Feinstein seemed to believe, for some odd reason, that we needed a “soul revealing” moment in America. And it came at the expense of our intelligence community with some false sense of ensuring a moral high ground over islamic terrorists.

Let me be clear, there is and never will be any moral equivalency between the actions of the barbaric savage jihadists and terrorists and the United States — water boarding, sleep deprivation, loud music, and even diaper-wearing provides no basis for comparison. And as we have reported today, even now the British military is forbidden from shouting, screaming, banging fists on a table, or using insulting language towards captured jihadists.



  1. they care more about politics. they're evil to the core and have little or no values. no concern for Christians. their day will come.

  2. Thats bc we have a muscum president who is anti American and pro islam,this IS his agenda.

  3. Let Feistein extend her hand out to them with an olive branch and when she pulls back a stub of an arm she may truly understand what these radicals think and care about her!

  4. Diane Feinstein has done something that will cost many american lives. She will live to regret what she has done however no apology will ever suffice. if there must be suffering I hope she is the first.

  5. Feinstein wouldn't pull back a stub, they would yank her close and cut her throat (on film).
    These animals don't want our sympathy. They don't want Hillary's "empathy". they don't care about how much NASA has been improved by Muslim "science".
    They want to KILL you.
    A great political ad would be the picture of the headless bodies of the four Christian children those animals just killed, followed by 10 seconds of film of Hillary Clinton saying we need to "empathize" with them.
    Send HER to the Middle East to "empathize".


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