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Friday, December 19, 2014

14 charged in deadly 2012 meningitis outbreak

BOSTON — Mold and bacteria were in the air and on workers’ gloved fingertips. Pharmacists used expired ingredients, didn’t properly sterilize them and failed to test drugs for purity before sending them to hospitals and pain clinics. Employees falsified logs to make it look as if the so-called clean rooms had been disinfected.

Federal prosecutors leveled those allegations in bringing charges Wednesday against 14 former owners or employees of a Massachusetts pharmacy in connection with a nationwide meningitis outbreak that killed 64 people.

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz called it the biggest criminal case ever brought in the U.S. over contaminated medicine.


1 comment:

  1. If more oversight had been used with compounding companies this would have never happened. Nothing has changed with these arrests if the proper agencies are still not paying attention. What about the government employees who were paid to look the other way or just didn't care or do their job? People died as a result of people wanting to make more and more money and government agencies that do not followup once problems are identified.


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