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Saturday, November 22, 2014

"You have to live in fear": One undocumented immigrant's story

President Obama said his immigration plan is about "deporting felons, not families." While his executive actions may provide protection to millions of immigrants living in the United States illegally, some say their lives are still filled with uncertainty.

"We just want to be acknowledged in this society as human beings. I just want to be acknowledged that I exist," said Armando Ibanez, a 32-year-old undocumented worker in Los Angeles. "In general, I think you have to live in fear of being separated from your family any time, any moment."

Ibanez was born and raised in Mexico, but considers the United States home. He crossed the border illegally 14 years ago, and has been living in California ever since.



  1. It still done fix the problem. This is why we need secure borders first

  2. "You have to live in fear": One ILLEGAL ALIEN's story

    I have no sympathy for criminals.

  3. Illegally crossing here is a felony.

  4. I feel NO pitty for ANY illegals. If they are so worried about how they will be treated HERE they should go back where they came from and come back hear LEGALLY. That is what my ancestors did. I can not understand why so many of OUR citizens are supporting these law breakers !!!!!!!!!!

  5. the ILLEGALS will never be acknowledged in this society as human beings. they will always be leeches and a cancer in the united states.

  6. It's only been 150 years since slavery ended. We need to continue apologizing for it for at least another 150. How in the world will we ever find time to apologize for what Latinos went through? When we do start with those dudes though, those black guys are gonna have to wait a long time before they get their chance again.

  7. I don't understand. Are these folks forced to come here at gunpoint? Are they being held against their will here? What's to fear? JUST GO HOME!!! I'm sure nobody would mind?!


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