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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Woman Sues Owners Of Dog Killed By Her Pit Bulls

TEXAS CITY, Texas (AP) -- A Texas woman whose four pit bulls entered her neighbors' yard through a hole in the fence and killed their 10-year-old beagle is suing them for $1 million.

Emerald White says in her lawsuit filed this week in Galveston County district court that she was "seriously injured" on Oct. 27 trying to stop the attack and retrieve her dogs. She says she suffered "multiple serious bite and scratch-type injuries" and accuses her neighbors of failing to securely confine and restrict their dog, Bailey.

White also contends she's feeling "conscious pain and suffering and now suffers also from fear, anxiety and trepidation."



  1. Only in America. Another result of too many 10 cent lawyers. Worst part is that the Baker's insurance carrier will probably settle with some ridiculous amount, just to avoid court.

    Until reform happens in this Country that forces the suing party to pay the opponents legal fees if they lose, this crap will keep happening.

    I hope her dogs bite her stupid a$$. They should have been put down. How many more instances of pit bulls killing something or someone before these idiots get it?

  2. Good. I hope she wins.
    Every Pitbull owner should have to get a specific dangerous animal permit and sign off on full responsibility for that dogs actions.
    Much like a serial killers friends and neighbors, the Pitbull owners are always so surprised when it murders

  3. Uh, 437, you need to read that article again. The pit bull owner is suing the dead beagle's owner because her pit bulls got out of her yard and went next door to where the beagle was to eat him alive.

    Then, the pit bull owner trespassed on the beagle owner's property to break up the fight and got bit by her own dogs.

    The beagle was tied up, and his owner was never present.

    You are welcome for the translation of an article otherwise impossible to understand.

    I'll bet I'm the only one who caught on...


  4. My neighbor, a worthless black, jobless, do nothing POS, has a pit bull puppy that he beats up regularly. poor little thing is afraid of his own shadow, doesn't know how to play and lives in fear every moment.
    When he isn't beating it up, he has it in a dog box for several days at a time with no food or water and the poor thing has to defecate in the box because he is too lazy to let it out.

    Yea its the dog's fault if it grows up mean.

    As far as I am concerned, the owner should be euthanized and the dogs given good homes. I volunteer my neighbor as the first person to sign up for this program.

  5. 4:37 you need to re read story the woman that has the pit bulls is suing the owner of the beagle that her dogs killed for getting bit by her own dogs

  6. 4:37 you hope she wins? R U an idiot? tell me ... what good is having a low life unemployed ghetto black person with a vicious dog, sign off on full responsibility? U actually think any of these idiots have a clue what the word responsibility means? U think they have insurance? U think you will ever see a DIME if anything happens?
    Come into my neighborhood to see all the pit bull lawn ornaments. These are not pets, they are possessions and treated as such. And if you have ever been in the ghetto you would know they could care less about their possessions.

  7. 6:12 now it makes complete sense ty ty ty

  8. Every loser ends up at some point or another with a pit bull. This is why the breed needs to be regulated. Most animal shelters are over 80% pit bull/pit mixes. Most end up being put down. The problem is too big and can't be adopted it's way out at this point.
    This is why I don't understand these so called pit bull lovers who say the breed shouldn't be regulated. With that many dogs being put down, if you aren't screaming for regulation then you don't love the breed.

  9. Probably Nancy Pelosi's sister. Total idiot, and out of touch with reality,

  10. Turn right around and Sue her for the pits killing their dog and pain and suffering and anything else a good attorney could dream up, she will drop the case.

  11. 8:27 I can almost guarantee Emerald White doesn't have a pot to take a leak in.
    It's an absolute shame the dogs didn't take her head off. The country would immediately be a better place without leeches like White.

  12. Banning pit bulls is like saying all black people are bad just because 2 of them robbed someone. No one ever hears good news about pits. Its racism but with dogs

  13. News flash, 10:17......there IS an underground network of pit bull owners who gamble on their fighting dogs.
    In Salisbury. The police know it, too.
    The dog owners think it makes their dog tougher when he doesn't get food or water for a day or two, lives out in the weather (even freezing rain/snow), and feeds them strays and other dogs to teach them to attack and kill.
    A 19 year old, no job, living with his momma (who has also never had a job in her life), NEEDS a pure bred pit bull, right?
    Most of you people have no idea of what is REALLY going on in your stock market loving, 401(k) diva, "look at how good I got it!"
    There's a glimpse.....
    Keep cheering.


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