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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wicomico County's Political Loser of the Year – Michael Pretl?

If he did not do any better as an attorney, 2014 is a very, very bad year for Mr. Pretl.

We can only comment on his political exploits, which include his role as the chairperson of Ron Pagano's campaign for the seat on the County Council held by Joe Holloway. It's inconceivable that Mr. Pretl was not aware of Pagano's record in Maryland and Ohio before it was exposed on this blog, leading to Pagano's decision to withdraw as a candidate. That attempt to scam the voters was a farce that failed.

Mr. Pretl's effort to join the County's Democrat Central Committee also failed – he was the lone loser among the candidates on the ballot in the primary election. And defeated candidates that he supported by donation of funds include Anthony Brown, Kenneth Ulman, Norman Conway, Rick Pollitt, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings.

That's a record of accomplishments in one year that few, if any, can beat.


  1. In the world of Star Trek there is matter and anti matter

    In Wicomico County, if Pretl is anti matter, who is matter?

  2. Doesn't matter, he'll still have his snow party!

  3. LMAO!!

    I just saw a FB page where Chuck Cook and Mike Pretl liked called "Martin O'Malley for President 2016."


  4. Josh Hastings.. The Lying Loser.. LMAO


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