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Sunday, November 09, 2014


First of all, I want to thank ALL of you for getting out to vote. 

Have you ever flown home after coming from a different time zone? If you have, then you know what it feels like to experience jet lag. That is what I'm feeling like today and I'm sure many elected officials are feeling the same way. 

Over the last three weeks we have been working day and night not only putting up regular articles but researching, interviewing, supporting candidates, all the while trying to balance a Family.

Getting up this morning was not at all easy but when I did, (like the majority of you) I did so with a HUGE smile on my face. I was smiling because I stood there side by side with the very humbled Carl Anderton and Bob Culver throughout the night. Neither man carried themselves as if they had just kicked their opponents rear end. That is NOT who they are.

These are two men who truly care. They want to deliver a better Eastern Shore and you know what, they will. 

I watched Larry Hogan give his acceptance speech last night and I have to say, the reason why we endorsed the candidates we did was based on exactly what Governor Elect Hogan stated. This is NOT about republicans against democrats. This is OUR state, ALL of us and we need to stand side by side and do what's right for ALL. 

You see, WE DO mean something to some public officials and for the first time in many years, WE need to come together. We cannot tax our way out of this horrible economy. Local counties and municipalities need to put on their big boy pants and figure out how we can rebuild without putting our hands out to Annapolis. Yet we also need strong leaders who will stand up for our way of life in Annapolis and demand respect. I firmly believe we now have those representatives.

This morning I had a wonderful conversation with Mike McDermott. Mike is so proud to have served you as a state Delegate. When you are up against a candidate that is financially backed with all the money Jim Mathias had been given, well, we all know that's hard to beat. HOWEVER, look at the numbers Ladies & Gentlemen. For a guy who had next to nothing financially, Mike did an incredible job. 

Funny, Congressman Andy Harris won his election by 71% and guess what, he never ran a commercial asking for a sympathy vote by bringing his recently deceased Wife into politics. GOOD PEOPLE would never think of going there and while I have known Jim Mathias for 35 years, he has lost my respect in a very big way. 

Now, let me say this. Yes, last night was a huge victory for the state of Maryland and especially the Eastern Shore. As we stated earlier, we certainly cannot, (will not) take all the credit but I will say that we deserve a small part of it. Why, because we have multiple people behind the scenes who have helped Salisbury News deliver information you did NOT see in the main stream media. 

Oh, some media sources were forced to tell some of the information we delivered but all in all we have a liberal media machine who never gave each republican candidate a fair shake. Salisbury News did. Because of these behind the scene contributors we delivered factual, documented information not seen anywhere else. These are every day citizens who helped make a huge difference and while I cannot name names, we thank you for all of your help.

Finally, our work is nowhere near done. In fact, similar to the way Carl Anderton and Bob Culver woke up this morning I'm sure they thought, Holy Crap, what do we do now. To answer that question to all newly elected people, YOU UNITE AND YOU LEAD. The snake oil salesmen are almost gone, the tide is in your favor and together, (democrat and republican) we heal and rebuild.

Congratulations to ALL newly elected representatives. Remember, NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM.  


  1. I , for one , do appreciate the great job that we have done turning the tide.
    I do give special thanks to Salisbury News for a splendid job reporting. When I finally went to bed at 2:300 am , I had a smile on my face and slept well for a few hours.
    I save so much money not turning on my TVs for news . It seems like it is all trash news , especially WBOC with that dumb ass Jimmy who.
    Anyway , it's now time to put things back together , if possible. Man they have screwed up this state and country.

  2. You've established your own machine from scratch. I totally rely on this site every day and recommend it to everyone I know. Thanks

  3. "Mike is so proud to have served you as a state Delegate."

    WE are proud and were extremely blessed to have had Del McDermott representing US! The job he did for 4 years was off the charts.
    Everyone knew where Del McDermott stood. He didn't hide silently waiting to see which way the wind was blowing. He fought for us like no one ever had before. He took the time and kept up informed with updates.

  4. Jhoe, now that the tides have turned, and the good people are getting elected, you should run for mayor of salisbury again. People see how useless the democraps are and I think Jimmy Ireton will be shaking in his boots in 2 years.

  5. I've been a regular on this news program since 2007 , time flies when your having fun.

  6. I'm psychic and I foresaw Norm Conway not prevailing. The reason is many his loyalists are either dying off or have moved elsewhere to be closer to family.
    I'm predicting now that this will be Jim Mathias' last victory. His loyalists are getting fewer as well.
    These younger generations are more informed. While we only heard how bad democrat strongholds ( Chicago, Detroit for example)are, these younger people can live it through the internet. They have access to pictures, videos, news papers and local news casts from all over the nation 24/7. The politicians can't fool them like they have us older people.
    God is Good!

  7. 1:05, Thanks but no thanks.

    My job is done in politics.

    I/We have more power with Salisbury News than ANY of these elected officials.

    Let's remember, the Executive answers to seven council members. The Mayor answers to five council members. I/We answer to no one.

    As proven in this election, we exposed information no one else did. I feel I/We are providing a much better service to the entire Eastern Shore than one little Mayor.

    Besides, who would want to come in and clean up this mess. They made their bed, they need to lie in it.

  8. A great day to be an American!

  9. I was very satisfied with the outcome of the election. I have to say sbynews.com encouraged me to vote after reading the smoking gun articles including Laura Mitchell, all of the BS spending involving the BOE and Rick Pollitt. This was the first time I've voted in a state election and I am 31 years old. (not happy with myself for that one).

    When will the newly elected take office? Jan 1?

  10. The state is a mess , just think of the mess the nation is in .
    Peace be with you people , I hope we can do it.

  11. I believe Culver can take office on Dec. 5th.

  12. Joe, you deserve a medal ten times! Thanks so much for keeping us informed with the FACTS and I also, am feeling elated today to see how the people voted. That alone shows you how much we were "sinking" with the DEMS/LIBS in control. So excited for our new leaders and double excited about Hogan's victory!

  13. I'd like to first congratulate, and then offer a humble message to ALL of our newly elected representatives, from local to national. And, I eagerly invite comment.

    While I, your constituency.. America, certainly have tangible change in mind., jobs, lower taxes, elimination of waste, fraud & regulation... It is the intangible change that I desire most. I want the liberty and freedom that decades of falsely presented "fear from destruction within" has stolen from me and you too. I want our sacred Constitution, all of it's Amendments and Bill Of Rights to mean something to Americans once more.
    America is no longer the free democratic republic these documents were designed to guide and I have voted for you to change that.

  14. Thanks to Salisbury news and all of the hard work involved. I hope people realize just how informative this site is, and how much it costs, not a thing, except getting involved even if it is only voting. From the posts about unemployment on the shore, and the spending card abuse were clearly good reasons for such change!!

  15. I had high hopes that Larry Hogan was going to win. I just couldn't imagine people voting for Anthony Brown, who unwisely sandwiched himself in between the failures, omally and obama.
    When Brown screwed up the MD Healthcare exchange that solidified the fact that he isn't too bright and was one of the final nails.
    It's not like it was rocket science. Someone of even below average intelligence would have known to copy verbatim the state of Massachusetts model which has been around for years, kinks worked out and is successful and functioning.
    It was designed by a team put in place by brilliant businessman Mitt Romney who didn't have the votes to veto the bill when he was governor of MA so was forced to implement the exchange. And in Mitt Romney fashion did it to perfection.
    But no Brown picks some fly by night company which has ended up costing tax payers 10's and 10's of millions more to fix.

  16. The County Executive shall serve for a term beginning at noon on the first Tuesday in December next following his election, and ending at noon on the first Tuesday in December in the fourth year thereafter or until his successor is elected and takes office.

  17. Brown could have won if he would have focused on his own wife Karmen and her great accomplishments. Instead he unwisely had as "role model" woman out stumping for him, the all obeying Stepford wives Clinton and MO who haven't done anything except follow a man around and ride on a man's coattails, even lying for them when told to. Successful, smart strong willed, independent, women saw right through that and they don't admire Clinton or MO- even democrat women.

  18. I think what we are going to be dealing with on a state level soon, is this Obama amnesty thing. You know omally will invite the forgiven illegals into MD just like he did the illegal "children." The democrats who are controlled by big business do this because these illegals guarantee a steady stream of people willing to work for low wages for the big businesses like the chicken companies.

  19. Here goes my acceptance speech. I wrote comments to you about how you were insignificant. I couldn't wait till the election was over so you could see nobody really listens to you. I was completely wrong and I underestimated just how much of an influence you have. I still don't like you at all however I have a newfound respect for you. I only hope you are as right about the direction these elected officials will take us just as you are right on 99% of the people that would be elected.

  20. Joe,

    First, I would like to thank you for all the incredible TRUTH you put out there about the candidates.

    Second, I agree with you and Ginn. I am a Democrat who went for our Republicans. Why? Not only because Pollitt and Mitchell and their kind done a BAD job, but some of them have been disgusting in their personal and (un)professional behaviors. I've been EMBARRASSED to be a Democrat, but the Republican Party nationally is just way too far right for me.

    Third, I agree with you that your place is right here, revealing the truth, not in office where it gets hidden. Sometimes that is a necessary evil, but most times, it's not. Take Ireton, for example. His REAL reason for wanting a PIO doesn't appear that he wanted to keep the public informed. It appears more like he just wanted to give a campaign buddy a job.

    The challenge for our new officials will be to see if they can get past the partisan nastiness that will be out to destroy them.

  21. I thought Brown and his wife were separated or divorced.

    Did they get back together? Is this a second wife?

  22. This is one of the best Editorial commentaries that I have read in decades.

    Joe - I want to thank you for working so diligently, not wavering even after being ridiculed by naysayers that claimed it was impossible. Well guess what - I also woke-up this morning with a big smile. Thanks for everything.

  23. Joe,

    Let me be the first to apologize... I never gave you a fair shake near the end of our election cycle... I felt it was a HUGE waste of your time and effort because I felt that the Citizens of maryland let alone Eastern Shore and/or Salisbury were too stupid to know better or to want better not only for friends and family but for themselves as well...

    I came on here bashing all the people who I would consider STUPID because of their comments and remarks and for the most part lack of action behind said words...

    I utterly and truly believed and felt to my soul that Maryland was doomed, the Eastern Shore was doomed and most importantly Salisbury and wicomico county were doomed... I told everyone it was over and there was nothing left to save...

    Finally, you people came through with ACTION behind words, and see you can make a difference IF YOU STAND TOGETHER, SIDE BY SIDE... no one was doing this and most of the evidence showed they did not care because it didn't directly affect them as of yet...

    I am glad to say I was wrong because now, though we still have a long huge fight ahead of us in the federal level, maybe now, Eastern shore and wicomico county and salisbury can get to use their money to help the area vs O'failly taking it, making baltimore better and saying look at what I did...

    Keep up the good work, Keep the action going and more importantly, always remember, IF WE STAND UNITED WE CAN AND WILL WIN!!!!!

  24. As a registered and voting Republican, I am happy, happy, happy.
    But, as a political cynic, I'm waiting to see how your guy "changes things".
    Get rid of obamacare? One of the BIG promises.
    Lower taxes? Let's see some action.
    Less regulations and more privacy?
    I'm waiting.
    We'll see if there is REALLY a difference in the parties or are they just the same old thieves wearing a different hat.
    Talk to me in November 2015.

  25. The difference between you and normal person experiencing jet lag..... we have to work a real job after. You have no job. Rest up Joe!

  26. Hopefully we have seen the last of Slick Rick and his pals -- Pagano, Pretl, Chuck Cook, the three Tilghmans, the PIO, etc. And next year we can can Ireton, Day and Mitchell.

  27. Joe since you did all the work to get Culver elected please tell me he is going to give you the PIO job you deserve it!!!

  28. 4:27 Agree 100% on Mitchell. She is a blight on all politicians.
    Disagree highly on Jake Day, that man is working his butt off for this city.

  29. This is a very good commentary. Most thoughtful and truthful. Thanks for doing such a superb job in your candidates coverage's.

    I also couldn't help but notice that almost all of SBYNEWS endorsements won the election. Now that saying something about your medias credibility. Thanks!

  30. Carl Anderton Jr. will be the best President this country has ever had in 2024. It sure has been enjoyable to see him stay the course and remain clean. Yay America!

  31. I would have noted against anyone running against Brown, but Governor Elect Hogan's acceptance speech last night blew me away. Awesome. Congrats to the Hogan Camp!!!

  32. 7:08, I agree with Mitchell, too. I don't disagree that Jake Day is "working his butt off" for this city, but I'm sorry Jake felt he had to resort to some dirty tricks to defeat Debbie Campbell. He lost my respect for that. His overly close support and association with Jim Ireton also left a bad taste in my mouth.

    In short, I don't feel I can ever trust him.

  33. I'm sleeping incredibly well tonight and for the next 2 years!!!

    Mike, I'm very disappointed as I know you are too, and with M. J. as well. You guys had our backs, and I'm sure your efforts will not wane.

    On to the next challenge! There will be more ahead.

  34. I think the District 3 race for the Wicomico County Council was one of the most contested races in the County Council and it somehow went unnoticed by many in the County except SBYNews. I want to thank Councilman Elect Larry Dodd for running a clean and respectable race. I think that speaks volumes about his character and I believe he will make a great representative of the people in all of Wicomico County. His opponent did not run a clean campaign with his lies and deception. Just like Jake Day his opponent was financed by outside special interest groups, but the better candidate prevailed thanks to the character of the better candidate. Congratulations to Mr. Dodd and the entire County Council members who were successful on Election Day 2014. Wicomico County is heading in a better direction with the new leadership.

  35. Jake Day may be working his butt off for the city but remember one thing always, Mike Dunn and Chuck Cook are in the background playing their game.

  36. Jake Day endorsed Josh Hastings.

  37. Anonymous said...
    I think the District 3 race for the Wicomico County Council was one of the most contested races in the County Council and it somehow went unnoticed by many in the County except SBYNews. I want to thank Councilman Elect Larry Dodd for running a clean and respectable race. I think that speaks volumes about his character and I believe he will make a great representative of the people in all of Wicomico County. His opponent did not run a clean campaign with his lies and deception. Just like Jake Day his opponent was financed by outside special interest groups, but the better candidate prevailed thanks to the character of the better candidate. Congratulations to Mr. Dodd and the entire County Council members who were successful on Election Day 2014. Wicomico County is heading in a better direction with the new leadership.

    November 6, 2014 at 5:03 AM


    We are fortunate to have Mr. Dodd and his experience on our county council.

  38. Can't wait to see what Culver does to help the County!

  39. Anonymous said...
    Jake Day endorsed Josh Hastings.

    November 9, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    Big mistake for this so called self proclaimed hero.

    What an idiot!! That is why he lost.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Hopefully we have seen the last of Slick Rick and his pals -- Pagano, Pretl, Chuck Cook, the three Tilghmans, the PIO, etc. And next year we can can Ireton, Day and Mitchell.

    November 5, 2014 at 4:27 PM

    You forgot Josh Hastings.

  41. Anonymous said...
    4:27 Agree 100% on Mitchell. She is a blight on all politicians.
    Disagree highly on Jake Day, that man is working his butt off for this city.

    November 5, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    He is not!! Don't let him fool you.


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