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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Transgender Student: ‘I’m Fighting For My Right To Use The Correct Restroom’

GLOUCESTER, Va. (WAVY) — Gloucester’s school board has delayed voting on a policy involving restroom facilities for a transgender student, until its December 9 meeting.

“Though I was assigned female at birth, that’s not the case. I’m a boy,” 10th grader Gavin Grimm told WAVY.com.

Grimm, who attends Gloucester High School, came out as transgender over the summer. At school, he was initially told to use the nurse’s bathroom, then he was allowed to use the boys restroom.

The 15-year-old told WAVY.com, “however, there have been some parents in the community, or rather adults, that have had a problem with this. So, I’m fighting for my right to use the correct restroom … the men’s restroom.”



  1. "fighting for MY RIGHT" you were born a female use the ladies room

  2. Either use the ladies room, or, pee outside!

  3. And what about others rights.

  4. Restrooms were set up to be used based on the equipment you have. Urinals would make no sense in the ladies room since we are physically not able to use it. Unless you have actually had your equipment changed, use the ladies room.
    And yes I am in MD @#$! Mathias!

  5. This woman was not "assigned" anything at birth. From the moment of her conception, every cell in her body has shown the chromosones of a female. No matter what mutilating surgery she has done, or what hormones she takes, the cells won't lie.

  6. Go home and use your own bathroom. That's the only "correct" one for you.


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