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Friday, November 28, 2014

Time'Magazine Columnist: Violent Riots 'Necessary'

A columnist for Time magazine hopes that Americans don't get too worried about the violent riots spiraling from Ferguson, Missouri out into the rest of the country. Violent riots are good, she says. In fact, she thinks riots are "a necessary part of the evolution of society."

Time magazine's Darlena Cunha waived off concerns over the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri that erupted after the officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the shooting death of Michael Brown. She insisted that these riots are nothing to worry about. Violent protests, she claimed, "are part of the American experience."

Taking no mind as to whether it is justified by the facts in the case, Cunha claimed that it was "inevitable" that the community would erupt in riots when "a police officer shoots a young, unarmed black man in the streets, then does not face indictment." In light of this, Cunha says, "is rioting so wrong?"



  1. The last thing rioters want is to awaken the sleeping giant that is still the largest segment of our population.

  2. Time magazine. Wow is that still around.

  3. Crapping in your own nest so to speak is necessary? How utterly profound of this 'journalist' obviously one of the "stupid America's', democrat jonathan gruber so appropriately referenced.


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