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Sunday, November 09, 2014

The Pollitt-Pretl Plan to Control Wicomico County Fails, Thank Goodness

Fortunately the scheme of those Democrat masterminds, aided and abetted by Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, Jake Day and the Tilghmans (Phil, Barrie and Matt) did not survive scrutiny by the electorate when put in the public spotlight. Early on, we exposed the loser -- remember Ron Pagano -- they got to run against Joe Holloway, and then moved on to the rest of the lousy litter: Josh ("liar") Hastings, Laura ("accountant" and welfare queen) Mitchell and Kirby Travers. In the past few weeks we also put the spotlight on Mr. Pollitt – the bad and the ugly (there's no good, it seems).

We can't and don't claim to be the sole cause of the outcome, but feel that we share some of the credit, particularly in helping to reveal Pagano's record as an attorney, etc., which his campaign guru, Pretl, carefully concealed for a brief time. Our only regret is that the RINO, John Hall, is not being replaced by a real Republican. And we have more than a little concern about the bona fides of Matt Holloway, who attended that big fundraiser event for Pollitt that was sponsored by William Hall.

We will have analysis and commentary later, hopefully very soon. But, for now, all's well that ends well. Please pardon any typos in the above – it’s been a long night, and this is written by dawn’s early light.

PS – Hi Jonathan, wherever you are!


  1. Joe: I personally believe you did a great service to this county but exposing much of the waste and shenanigans of those who were defeated. Keep up the good work?

  2. The question is if you will keep up the same scrutiny you have displayed over the past couple of years now that the County Exec's office and full Council is Red.

  3. anonymous 9:32, My job is to represent the CITIZENS of the Eastern Shore, period.

    NO ONE is out of bounds and everyone is accountable.

    Mind you, I'm going to have to DIG a lot deeper to get stories but you act as if I'm selling newspapers, in which I am not.

    I do Salisbury News because I want to. Always have, always will. I have worked almost 10 years delivering all of you FREE news and information.

    I have been charged more than 40 times. I have been arrested and I have been sued, all because I've represented YOU.

    Day by day, year by year, SBYNews has brought down DOZENS or employees AND elected officials. All the while your local media has purposely tried to bring me down and defame me, yet we continue to fight the fight.

    ALL of our articles are factual and documented and as you've all witnessed this past year, even the local media is starting to report information WE have discovered. They are seeing that we are NOT going away, that our information is factual and guess what, now they don't have a choice.

    Our traffic is in the mega millions each year and this election absolutely proved we have become the most influential news media source on the Eastern Shore.

    All that being said, IF someone screws up, we WILL go after them no matter who they are. HOWEVER won't it be refreshing if what we now deliver is POSITIVE news and information, the real reason I started this Website in the first place.

  4. Go Joe, Good day for Maryland, and Hell...You live in Delaware!

  5. Now that we have elected officials that represent the people's choice, we need to ask them to make it better for us:

    Give us an elected school board! Since Normie won't be there to muddy the waters, it should be voted on again. We want our own say in what happens here...and accountability of the monies spent.

    Repeal the "Mound" rule that requires new development with septic systems to sequester a chunk of their property and put an unsightly and value reducing mound to house their septic system. This rule came about from junk science that has already been debunked...and has stymied development and lowered property values throughout the county.

    Make a lock-box for the flush tax revenue - after you take it back to the original rate! Ensure it is used to clean the bay only - start with the tributaries on MD soil - and sue the contributing states upstream of the Conowingo Dam.

    Take the sales tax back to 4%!

    Some of these will reduce revenues - but from what I've seen, there's that much in waste going on!

  6. Thank you Joe for all you do. We appreciate knowing the TRUTH, which in Salisbury and Wicomico County is hard to come by. Keep up the good work.

  7. Great suggestions and great points, 9:58.

  8. Sorry but Holloway lost my vote. As the president of the council he should have stood up to ricks tax increase but did not. He voted for the proposed budget. Real leaders make tough decisions. They do not raise taxes 5 years straight. That moment proved to me Holloway was not mature enough to be the leader of the council.

  9. I thought I heard that Mitchell gave up her seat on the city council to run. Is that true????

  10. Just a question, what ever happened to the Wicomico County Ethics Commission? It was my understanding that at one time all Wicomico County employees were bound by certain regulations that they had to abide by in order to maintain their employment. How about this "commission" investigating Tricky Ricky and his spending for the last four years. Send him a bill for all charges that were made with the county credit card that cannot be supported by documentation. No more free breakfast, lunch or dinner just because you are a county employee. By the way, Mr. Culver's first official act should be to have Tricky Ricky return his credit card and void it. Stop the useless spending now.

  11. Joe - I think you are awesome!! You deliver the news and keep us informed. Keep up the good work - Salisbury needs more people like you :-)

  12. When do the newly elected start their jobs?

  13. 9:58 dittos...so sorry Hall is still on County Council because he is a wolf in sheep's clothing; no doubt about it.

    I wanted Cannon to win; so disappointed there.

    Most of all; we lost a great Pol when Mike McDermott lost to Mathias. Mathias is useless and not for the citizens of the Eastern Shore. Watch him very closely this term. Report on his words and VOTES and maybe we can then see WHO he is; for real.

  14. How could anyone not remember Ron (dirtball) Pagano?

  15. I think the District 3 race for the Wicomico County Council was one of the most contested races in the County Council and it somehow went unnoticed by many in the County except SBYNews. I want to thank Councilman Elect Larry Dodd for running a clean and respectable race. I think that speaks volumes about his character and I believe he will make a great representative of the people in all of Wicomico County. His opponent did not run a clean campaign with his lies and deception. Just like Jake Day his opponent was financed by outside special interest groups, but the better candidate prevailed thanks to the character of the better candidate. Congratulations to Mr. Dodd and the entire County Council members who were successful on Election Day 2014. Wicomico County is heading in a better direction with the new leadership.


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