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Thursday, November 13, 2014

"The other side still thinks they can take down Obamacare"

The above title was sent to me by one of President Obama's people. To be perfectly frank, I'm very ticked off.

Dear Mr. Obama, "The other side"? 

You see Mr. President, (and may I use that term lightly) this is OUR COUNTRY. If you mean my being "the other side" as a non Muslim and instead a Christian, well, I guess we are enemies then and you CAN consider me "the other side". 

If because I/We do not collect welfare, food stamps, affordable housing, disability makes us the "other side", then I/We are guilty as charged. 

The mere fact that you and your people send me at least FOUR e-mail messages a day begging for money to support YOUR agenda brings me to a boiling point. Now I/We are the enemy because we have a LEADER who has no clue how to agree to disagree and instead calls our own people "the other side". 

You need to be impeached. I Thank God you will be out of Office soon and with all hope Americans finally put someone in Office with some EXPERIENCE & WISDOM instead of he/she, black/white.

I'm not "the other side", I am an AMERICAN who has paid MILLIONS in taxes and I deserve a President who respects me, not a President who labels me because I simply disagree. 


  1. The door swings both ways.

  2. 9:44, Show me ONE e-mail the Republicans sent out calling Democrats "the other side" or the enemy. You Liberals always have some kind of BS come back. This one is not only stupid, it's childish.

  3. I don't know about you or anyone else Joe, but Communists are MY mortal enemy. Extrapolate amongst yourselves.


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