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Saturday, November 15, 2014

The 'New Black' moves right

The Republican tent broadens with the election of conservative minorities

Last week’s midterm elections were a huge success for the Republicans. Significant gains were made in the governorships and House of Representatives. The GOP also took control of the Senate for the first time since 2007.

It’s gratifying for most conservatives to watch President Obama’s political wings get clipped, and his influence reduced to lame-duck status. They should also be pleased to see the emerging new faces of the GOP.



  1. WINGS CLIPPED?? Not so. He will still rule like a dictator, or haven't you noticed?

  2. It was indeed very gratifying for me, not for vengeful reasons, but for what I saw.. black people and younger students/adults who have been held mentally captive by the elitist liberals and their media minions are finally realizing that they've been duped by the dems.
    It is especially great to see the black folk waking up to the scam.
    Maybe now they will be able to break the chains of poverty that have kept them as slaves to their democrat 'benefactors' and they will be able to have a real life.
    It will take a lot of time and effort, but it will be well worth it.
    For once, they really do have hope.

  3. nicely said 2:03 this is also why they are pushing through all these illegal immigrants and trying to give them status. as the African American community starts to open their eyes they need another person to be there slave so now they bring in the illegal immigrants to enter the picture.


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