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Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Neocon Carnival of Constitutional Confusion

Several times a week I force myself to be subjected to five minutes or so of neocon chatter by Rush Limbaugh, Marc Levin (“The Grate One”), Sean Hannity, or the FAUX News Channel morning show. Their bloviations are filled with extreme hypocrisy and delusional contradictions.

For example, during the Bush administration the neocon mantra was “9/11 changed everything!” by which they meant, “to hell with the Constitution.” Whenever Judge Andrew Napolitano would challenge any of his FAUX News Channel colleagues over warrantless wiretaps, NSA spying, undeclared and unconstitutional wars, torturing of prisoners, the murder-by-drone of American citizens, etc., this was their mantra, their all-purpose slogan designed to censor all discussion. “Constitution Schmonstitution” was their unofficial motto.

Now that a Democrat is in the White House that has all changed. Marc Levin, who slavishly supported Bush’s “War on Terra” and all of its constitutional subversions, has even written a very silly book on the importance of sticking to the Constitution. His fellow neocons all sounded more like Mussolini than (James) Madison during the Bush administration but today they have all become born-again constitutionalists. At least until the next Republican is elected president.



  1. Joe, great article, not always but often Lew does hit the marc. I doubt all or our recently elected Republicans will read it. Of course, I can hope.

  2. 7:26
    My initial reaction to the title and first paragraph was one of caution and skepticism. Who dare attack Rush and Levin et al.

    But as I read more, it was obvious the author, Thomas DiLorenzo, has done his homework. He knows more about this stuff than most everyone.

    I too believe some of our most fervent ambassadors of garb have been/are hypocritical.

    I only wish I had studied more history when I was younger because it certainly does repeat itself.

    But what do we do about all of this now?

    I don't think it can be fixed without a massive overhaul. And it won't happen at the ballot box, more like the cartridge box.

    I just hope I've achieved room temperature long before the SHTF.


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