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Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Daily Time Has An Excellent Piece On Who Gets Arrested More On Delmarva

Publishers Notes: A Viewer wrote me and said, So your local NAACP President thinks prisons are "concentration camps"?

I have very openly stated for years now that the NAACP needs to be abolished. It's time for Americans to move forward. We must never forget our past and where we came from, yet we cannot be punished for what others did in the past and certainly not for what we as Americans stand for today.

The remarks below published in the Daily Times, quoted by the local president of the NAACP, (Mary Ashanti) are just plain ridiculous. To suggest that the numbers are higher towards black people because Officers are racist is just plain irresponsible on the NAACP's behalf. 

Unlike the Daily Times, Salisbury News is and can be opinionated. I think the journalists that worked on this particular article, (below) did an incredible job. However, what I wouldn't do to be a fly on the wall as they were preparing this article.

I think Mary's opinion is just as bad as Laura Mitchell's charge that I broke into the Salisbury Police Department and stole a pill bottle out of an evidence locker. They BOTH are defaming local law enforcement. However, I will say that the last time I personally challenged Mary Asanti, she shocked me with her response. Let me explain. 

Jim Ireton had stated I had published RACIST articles on Salisbury News. The NAACP brought me into their office. We sat in front of a computer where they brought up the TWO articles I had published and asked me, did you put them up. I replied, I absolutely did. They then said, YOU DON'T THINK THAT'S RACIST? I replied, did you read the ENTIRE articles. Mary responded, I briefed them. I then pointed out BOTH authors, BOTH were black. Mary then replied, "well, blacks can be racist too". Ben Carson is a  RACIST, I don't think so. 

I think it's time Mary step down as the President of the local NAACP. While I like Mary a lot, times have certainly changed and it's time the NAACP allow someone else, (younger) to represent that organization should they choose to continue. Her remarks are out of line and to blame Law Enforcement in this day and age is too far over the top. That is just my opinion but let's hear yours. 

As Published In Part In The Daily Times:

Mary Ashanti, president of the Wicomico County branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, offered this statement about arrests:

"The statistics of the over-representation of blacks arrested in Wicomico County, Maryland, represent an ongoing contradiction since the end of chattel slavery," part of her emailed statement reads. "That contradiction being that slavery never ended, it was just legally maneuvered to justify its existence by way of punishment through the courts and as a viable economic entity."

The national NAACP website also notes that black and Hispanic people are about one-quarter of the United States population, but when looking at the nation's inmates, those races made up 58 percent, as of 2008.

"The gross disparity in the incarceration rates between blacks and caucasians will only widen until every able-bodied young black male has been herded into the concentration camps of the American prison-industrial complex," Ashanti wrote.



  1. Why doesn't it occur to some people and perhaps... some races just flat out commit crimes and are caught more than other races.

    While black people may commit more armed robbery, white people by far commit more mass shootings. This is a fact.

    Why can't a large portion of each race come to this understanding.

    While we are all equal. We are different. Black people excel over white people at some things and vice versa. Why is that wrong or prejudice?

    1. Irresponsible people always make up excuses (lie), rather than admit they're wrong, responsible people, on the other hand, of every race, do not make up excuses, because they know that they are accountable and accept personal responsibility for their actions, good or bad. Mary has defined herself as a willing public liar.

  2. DT right on the narrative just in time for Ferguson verdict

  3. Slaves get free housing, free medical care, and free food when they live on the plantation. This is at a cost of their personal liberty.

    If people don't want to be considered slaves, they need to get off of welfare!

  4. The statement by Lamarr Brown was typical of the mentality. If a person is panhandling in front of WaWa with an open container of alcohol and a small amount of marijuana that a black person is more likely to be arrested. It makes no difference what color you are. It's against the law. What he is saying is that these arrests are because black people are more likely the ones doing these things.

  5. Hey MARY, did you know that BLACKS are far more likely to be a victim of a crime committed by another BLACK than they are any other ethic group? Fact is the welfare system and the fact that so many black kids grow up without a father, has put more blacks behind bars, than slavery ever did.

  6. Well said 2:20. I would also say in the style of Johnny Cochran " Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!"

  7. Great timing isn't it 2:19?! As if we need that crap stirred up here on the shore. This should definitely be the final nail in the daily times coffin.

  8. Ashanti as well as a lot of blacks are still slaves-slaves to political correctness. Not leaders at all-no backbone, cowards too afraid to say the truth and that is why the NAACP has become irrelevant and why the DT's even wastes their time with this regressive organization is beyond silly.
    Blacks will continue to have their communities spiral downhill into cesspools of crime and poverty until they decide to start valuing honesty which would compel them to get to the root of their problems which is the complete breakdown of the black family. Until then there is no help in sight.

  9. Mary, Mary, Mary...Please!
    As quoted in the DT article..."We're arresting people based on who committed the crime." What part of that can you not comprehend?

  10. "The gross disparity in the incarceration rates between blacks and caucasians will only widen until every able-bodied young black male has been herded into the concentration camps of the American prison-industrial complex," Ashanti wrote."

    It's hard to comment when you are dealing with these low information people but doesn't this person read newspapers and listen to the news?
    Obviously not, so she has no business whatsoever offering up her uninformed comment, that she heard somewhere.
    She needs to educate herself. She one of the "stupid" people the health care man talked about. Repeating untrue mantras instead of doing her own research and seeing it's because young black men commit most of the crime.

  11. Ashanti is a typical race-baiter, no better than Sharpton and the rest.

  12. 2:20 - what they should do is put welfare recipients in place where every minute of their lives is monitored - just like slavery was!

    Want off the monitoring, get off welfare?!

  13. Her cluelessness is comical.
    Young black men commit most of the crime esp violent crimes in this country. She can try as hard as she wants but there is no guiling that lily-end of story!
    Of course the democrats, who get most of the black vote won't dare admit why (break down of the family unit) because it would offend the black voter base AND they want the crime because democrats are slaves to the big businesses that profit from the prisons.

  14. There has been a concerted effort to destroy the black culture since LBJ. Their community was gaining wealth, improving their education, and was more likely to be married and in a stable family up until that point. The Democrats (the historical party of the KKK and the Confederacy) bought them off with welfare.

    Consider that in NY State, more black children were aborted than born. Abortion clinics are in low income neighborhoods. MTV and Holywood have been pushing a thug culture for 20 years now. And our own government has replaced the father with welfare. Do you really think the special interests that rule government have the best interests of the children at heart?

  15. It's unfortunate that black children are being lied to like this. They have no chance of thriving when the truth isn't told to them.
    4:12 is correct and until people like Ashanti who is doing the devil's work on earth and will pay with an eternity in hell for it, start being truthful will the numbers go down.

  16. Unfortunately, Ashanti and her followers will soon control Salisbury. Aided by Ireton and the 3 stooges on the Council (Day, Shanie and Mitchell) they have cut the city into 5 districts and will be able to fill at least three of them in elections.

  17. With the Ferguson issue boiling she has been forced to make some stupid decisions. At least I think she has been forced.
    I think she should step down , maybe she just briefs everything , instead of fully reading and understanding.
    She or anyone is not a judge or jury concerning any issue when law is involved.
    Prison is a punishment , it's not a vacation for blacks or what ever color.
    This brings me to another question , why did she and her family have their names changed in full a few years back?
    Was it because of a bad record ?
    Just makes me wonder!

  18. You are so correct 5:35. One thing you forgot to mention is the public schools and the government's concerted effort to dumb down the masses. The results are supposed "leaders" like Ashanti, who like slaves, obey willingly and repeat the nonsense to those naïve to look up to them.

  19. That statement proves she's as dumb as a box of rocks. Why can't NAACP figure way to improve relations rather then separating them with falsehoods and racist comments.

  20. It IS unfortunate that black children heard this nonsense.
    All the troubles facing the black communities are the sole fault of the Ashanti's out there.
    What a disgrace they are lying to the children like they do.
    Unfortunately they were never taught morals so they don't think they are doing anything wrong.

  21. Why is it we joke about starting the NAAWP = National Association for the Advancement of White People? I'm serious it flies in the face of everything the great race equality heroes of the 40's - Current to show favoritism or preference to any race! I think there needs to be a balance here.

  22. "Do you really think the special interests that rule government have the best interests of the children at heart?"

    No they do not 5:35. They, more specifically the democrats, are keeping them in chains but as Gruber a democrat himself said, they are too stupid to see it.

  23. That's ok chiefy duncan has it under control, throw pizza and ice cream parties for criminals in lieu of arrest and take the left over whipped cream home to use on macierello.

  24. Want to close the achievement gap? Close the 85% of AA kids born out of wedlock gap.

  25. 3:37 PM said it all and it's very true.

  26. White criminal here. For the last twenty years or so ive gotten away with so much because the police don't bother me. Unless of course its displayed directly in front of them.

    On the other hand many of my black friends have been harassed frequently throughout the years while they held 9 to 5s and played the good citizen.

    It helps that in my neighborhood the police never roll through to ever see anything suspicious where as they camp out in black neighborhoods. Sure they may arrest those they see commiting the crime, but 9 times out of 10 they're zoomed in on the black folks.

  27. Typical "I'm a victim" mentality. Just blaming someone else for their failure in life.

  28. bet she voted for obama

  29. I am about sick of these liberal pigs forcing there racism through guilt on me. If you commit the crime then you are guilty no matter what color your skin is.

  30. The nerve of this degenerate calling the US prisons concentration camps. She can go straight to hell and she will.
    I've toured Auschwitz, a Nazi concentration camp in Poland, something I'm sure Ashanti's never done. That makes her opinion as worthless as she is.
    For her to compare the 2 shows how grossly ignorant she truly is.
    100's of prisoners a day aren't suffering and dying in prison from malnutrition, poor sanitary conditions and disease. No one is being forced to do 20 hours a day of hard labour and certainly no one is watching while their child is taken from them so horrific "medical" experiments can be performed on the child and lastly no one is being herded shoulder to shoulder to the gas chamber to be murdered.
    This putrid woman needs to be ashamed to walk among the good public after making such asinine statements but in her perverted mind and others as sick as she is saying such nonsense is justified.

  31. When you toured Auschwitz did you take notice of the doors that opened by pulling outwards? Also made of flimsy material?

    You should be ashamed of comparing the mass incarceration of African Americans and the ritualistic destruction of the black family to anything to do with "shoah" business.

  32. She's probably never been out of the ghetto much less having traveled abroad.
    I'm sure she heard someone else say the prison/concentration camp line, thought it sounded clever so decided to use it herself in an attempt to make herself appear intelligent. The problem is, to compare the 2 shows just how low information and uneducated she is. The concentration camps were horrific and brutal and the atrocities that occurred in them are indescribable. To those who suffered in them, a US prison would have looked like a palace.
    I can say more but won't because people like her are beneath me and not worth my time. I don't do ignorance and low class very well and she is the epitome of an ill bred ignoramus.

  33. How come Churchill's memoirs never mentioned a program of mass murder or genocide?

    Neither did Eisenhower.

    It must have slipped their minds.

  34. 8:11 No the common low class Ashanti needs to be ashamed for comparing the 2. She a sick sick disturbed bottom feeder who in her sick mind thinks she said something profound.
    If African Americans weren't committing a disproportionate number of crimes there wouldn't be a massive number of them incarcerated-Einstein! The destruction of the black family is their own fault. The moral standards in the black communities are basically non existent. Their overwhelming support of Obama is proof of this. Good people do not ever support a liar-this is not debatable. When you don't value honesty which is the root of a civil society all else go to hell.

  35. Churchill's memoirs most certainly did 8:16. He refers to the deaths being caused by "scientific machines" on at least one occasion.
    Prior to the Vietnam War anything written by anyone pertaining to a war (or any "indelicate" topic), including world leaders was sanitized for the public view.
    Publishing then wasn't what it is today, where anything goes even down to the most sordid, morbid details.

  36. "So your local NAACP President thinks prisons are "concentration camps"?"

    Comparing the 2, does at the very minimum, show one is crass and vulgar and is certainly lacking at the most basic of history.

    1. 9:00 it's almost as dumb as holder comparing michael brown to emmit till.

  37. @8:48 At least once eh? I'll cite the following from a website, though I'm not sure if they wrote it or cited from another but the story remains..............

    ""It is certain that if there had been "killing factories" in Poland murdering millions of civilians, then the Red Cross, the Pope, humanitarian agencies, the Allied governments, neutral governments, and prominent figures such as Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Eisenhower and many others would have known about it and would have often and unambiguously mentioned it, and condemned it. They didn't!

    The promoters admit that only a tiny group of individuals believed the story at the time -- many of whom were connected with Jewish propaganda agencies. The rise of the Holocaust story reads more like the success story of a PR campaign than anything else.""

  38. Forgive her and then dismiss her. She's a democrat and according to fellow democrat and Obamacare architect, Jonathan Gruber, she's not too smart and it shows, oh does it show.

  39. So what are you saying 9:17 all the imagines of people clothed in the prison garb and rail thin are all fake? And the camps were built just so they could continue on with a conspiracy?
    You may have been born yesterday, but I certainly wasn't.
    It's ludicrous to think that just because something isn't mentioned a lot that it didn't happen.

  40. 9:17, there has been volumes written about how the media and other writers sanitized the horror of wars and other atrocities that occurred. Yes, it wasn't until the Vietnam era that some of the censoring stopped but still occurs to some degree.

  41. The email in general lacks class and dignity as a whole. Class and dignity as well as honesty are what is lacking in black communities. These difficulties and character flaws are the root and stem of all their social problems. When you are classy and dignified then a respectability about yourself comes into the picture and you want better for yourself. You don't need money either to be classy. It's all about attitude and how you present yourself including your speech and mannerisms.

  42. Yes there is modern day slavery if you want to see what it is then google OUR "Operation Underground Railroad". Now please stop talking about slavery that happened 150 years ago and how the black man has it so bad.

  43. I agree 2:54. They really need to stop blaming slavery for everything under the sun that they do wrong or can't get right. This type of dwelling over something that happened 150 years ago is a mental problem in of itself and shows just how not right in the head they are. There is treatment out there for people who dwell like they tend to do. It would benefit them and their race if they took advantage of dwelling treatment.

  44. This is the kind of thinking that will make you a slave to yourself because it makes you think someone is responsible for your failures. There is accountability for our own lack of success.

  45. The thing is a lot of African Americans profess to be Christian. Playing the Blame Game is so NOT Christian and if you are a Christian then you know it is a very bad sin playing that game because forgiveness is a pillar of the Christian faith.
    True forgiveness is giving up the right to bring up the offense ever again.
    I think a lot of the problems within the African American communities is the very mixed conflicting messages the young people are getting, such as this one. The children are confused because the lack of positive role models within the communities barely exists and in some not at all. Just unjust people playing the Blame Game all week then sinning by going to Sunday services and pretending to be children of God and faith.

  46. Anonymous said...
    "The gross disparity in the incarceration rates between blacks and caucasians will only widen until every able-bodied young black male has been herded into the concentration camps of the American prison-industrial complex," Ashanti wrote."

    It's hard to comment when you are dealing with these low information people but doesn't this person read newspapers and listen to the news?
    Obviously not, so she has no business whatsoever offering up her uninformed comment, that she heard somewhere.
    She needs to educate herself. She one of the "stupid" people the health care man talked about. Repeating untrue mantras instead of doing her own research and seeing it's because young black men commit most of the crime.

    November 19, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    Someone wrote that. She isn't that intelligent, I have heard her speak hundreds of times.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately, Ashanti and her followers will soon control Salisbury. Aided by Ireton and the 3 stooges on the Council (Day, Shanie and Mitchell) they have cut the city into 5 districts and will be able to fill at least three of them in elections.

    November 19, 2014 at 6:30 PM

    You are absolutely correct and the dumb Democrats are to stupid to see what happened. Please pray that Salisbury's City charter is dissolved so we can have some real leadership in the County.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately, Ashanti and her followers will soon control Salisbury. Aided by Ireton and the 3 stooges on the Council (Day, Shanie and Mitchell) they have cut the city into 5 districts and will be able to fill at least three of them in elections.

    November 19, 2014 at 6:30 PM

    Muir Boda is running again. It's a fact.

  49. Anonymous said...
    White criminal here. For the last twenty years or so ive gotten away with so much because the police don't bother me. Unless of course its displayed directly in front of them.

    On the other hand many of my black friends have been harassed frequently throughout the years while they held 9 to 5s and played the good citizen.

    It helps that in my neighborhood the police never roll through to ever see anything suspicious where as they camp out in black neighborhoods. Sure they may arrest those they see commiting the crime, but 9 times out of 10 they're zoomed in on the black folks.

    November 19, 2014 at 10:09 PM

    This person is a plant for the liberal democrats. I've got an idea why don't you post your name and maybe we will believe you.

    Funny you are the only one who posted something like this.

    1. Maybe they "camp out" in the black neighborhoods because that's where the higher percentage of calls for service are generated. With that being said the purpose for "camping out" is strictly for proactive reasons. And they're right!

  50. This lady (?) is a complete idiot and is not worth this response. Then why in the hell am I reponding???????????? Just hate STOOPID

  51. What? No crying over Marion Barry?

  52. It's so common to use the descriptive "concentration camp" when describing an American prison.


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