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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Texas High School Teacher Says Whites Should Not Be Allowed to Talk About Ferguson, Says Go ‘Kill Yourselves’

An African American high school teacher in Duncanville, Texas had a message for you “dumb duck ass cracker” white people who want to talk about the problems in Ferguson. You should shut up. Oh, and she wants you to kindly “kill yourselves.”

Here is the Tweet that got everyone talking about her:



  1. I had a dream?.....Appears most of his peopke are still lost and dont get it

  2. She has the right to free speech and should not be persecuted for using it.

    Hang on the net long enough and you will be trolled to the point of an outburst at some point or another.

    Multiculturalism is not an intrinsic human trait, its a societal curtain that's been placed over the window of humanity. For good or bad.

    Her reaction is natural under the circumstances, our disbelief is not.

  3. An English teacher at that. And us taxpayers have to pay this POS to teach our "chilluns" whatever drivel comes out of her mouth so they can go for their college career.

  4. 730, you're the major problem.Freedom of speech is fine at all times, but If you teach my children your racist drivel as a public servant that works for and gets paid by me, I have the right to use the same right to say no and ask for your termination immediately.

    And that's a fact, Jack!

    You're down the road of unemployment without a good recommendation.

  5. Trust me, I am not talking about that thug. Not worth my breath. The few seconds it is taking me to type this is it.

  6. Exactly 7:30. She is just misunderstood like ALL liberals.
    Their mind and thought process are so screwed up backwards, normal people can not understand it.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She has the right to free speech and should not be persecuted for using it.

    Hang on the net long enough and you will be trolled to the point of an outburst at some point or another.

    Multiculturalism is not an intrinsic human trait, its a societal curtain that's been placed over the window of humanity. For good or bad.

    Her reaction is natural under the circumstances, our disbelief is not.

    November 10, 2014 at 7:30 PM

    You are incorrect, the right of freedom of speech can be restricted to an individual if that person is to be found to create anarchy or cause danger to an overly large population of US citizen.

  8. Think about it this way. Would it be ok for a white teacher to tell the blacks "shut the f up n..." They would be removed immediately. Can you say double standard.

  9. And no offense to anyone, but let's think. If this had been a white teacher, the headline would have read "White Teacher On Administrative Leave For Racist Remarks". If they didn't "condone" the behavior, she would already be suspended or fired.

  10. 7:30 How about NO. She will/should be FIRED immediately. You're a strong part of the pussification of America.

  11. I guess its free speech until you dislike what's said.

    When I read from someone "chilluns", ebonics, while they're trying to take the moral high ground I have to chuckle.

    Congratulations, you prove my point precisely. The black lady trolled you with her comments and you're raging to the point of using uneducated and impoverished vernacular attempting to mimic your stereotypical and myopic viewpoint of another race.

    I know, you probably have a lot of black friends.

    TLDR: Hateful white jumps at the chance to be racist when someone dark skinned has a predjudice outburst.

    And most things in America are paid for by corporate taxes. While they (corporate taxes) are lower in scale they generate much more money than what even most PHDS make. So in all likelihood your taxes barely cover the services you use, roads, hospitals, etc., let alone your child's public education.

  12. No, 9:33 I'm not incorrect. The right to free speech is a God given right, one America was founded upon. Under your notion if America chooses they could restrict my freedom of religion (I'm muslim) because of some extremist halfway around the world.

    I may speak for myself but there isn't a soul on this earth that will stop me from saying whatever I feel like saying, nor will there ever be a threat serious enough to control my choice of religion. And a step further not even a felony conviction would curtail my right to bear arms.

    See some people ask for their rights, mine are asserted. And if I'm ever unjustly locked away for doing so, they better execute me or hold me indefinitely because I'd be more than happy to fire the first shot in the revolution.

    I doubt I convey the seriousness of intent behind my words but believe me I do so mean it.

  13. If she is spewing this in public on the internet you better believe she is giving it to her students. Fire her!!

  14. Great idea.Now if everybody would shut the hell up about it Ferguson would be history.(Note that every time seriously important news stories arise the MSM conjures up some new Ferguson threat).Ferguson is as simple as ignoring it and it will go away.White or black talking about it who cares.It needs to be dropped.

  15. 10:16, I wish it was that simple. You see, for me, I see the local NAACP sparking this up on a local level by challenging local Law Enforcement as being too aggressive towards the black community. Therefore, I believe on a local level this is a topic in which we all need to keep a close eye on.


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