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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Teachers Union Ignores State Law Against Campaign Spending

Complaint: Lax oversight led to exploitation of teachers

Pennsylvania’s largest teachers union exploited its members to aid Democrats in the midterm elections and may have broken state law in the process, according to charges filed by a veteran educator.

Pennsylvania College of Technology professor Mary Trometter claims in a state Labor Relations Board complaint that the NEA-affiliated Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) sent mailers endorsing Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf to her husband. Wolf beat incumbent Republican Gov. Tom Corbett by 10 points.

“As a family member of an educator, you know they are devoting their career to helping others … Please join Mary in voting for Tom Wolf for Governor on November 4th,” the letter says.

The letter was signed by PSEA president Michael Crossey and NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia, but Trometter, who is a member of the PSEA, said the union’s endorsements did not represent her views. She is now going after the PSEA for violating the Pennsylvania Public Employee Relations Act, which bars employee organizations from giving money“either directly or indirectly to any political party or organization or in support of any political candidate for public office.”

“My union dues are paying for this letter,” she said. “The union has been very vocal about using dues money for political gain … the fact that my name was exploited and being used to promote their political cause was the last straw.”


1 comment:

  1. That is exactly what is happening in Maryland. The Maryland State Education Association (the union) took over $500,000 in union dues from Wicomico county last year and used a portion of it to endorse and help all liberal democrats get elected. Unfortunately for them the conservative voters kicked their asses.


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