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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Statement from Governor O’Malley on the Release of the Climate Change Task Force Recommendations

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Martin O’Malley today issued a statement on the release of recommendations from President Obama’s State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience:

“Maryland commends President Obama and Vice President Biden for their foresight and purpose-driven action in creating this Task Force. These final recommendations will empower communities across the nation to respond effectively to the impacts of climate change.

“Maryland has taken strong action to reduce carbon emissions, and to protect our people, places and natural resources in the face of one of the biggest challenges facing our planet. The Task Force has identified additional actions that the federal government can take to build climate resilience, such as integrating climate change considerations into federal grant and loan programs, and improving the availability and reliability of climate data and tools. Reducing our vulnerability to climate change will help us build a stronger, more sustainable future for generations to come.”



  1. Hey O'Malley. Nobody wants to hear the liberal garbage that comes out of your mouth. Didn't the elections teach this jerk anything? We all know if Obama is behind a program it will fail.

  2. Climate Change is nothing but a scheme to fund nondisbatchable renewable energy. Renewable sources can never replace conventional resources. It has been proven that wind turbines displace ZERO CO2 emissions because of its 100% reliance of a backup energy source. The unachievable mandates need to be repealed too because most Marylanders cannot afford to pay $400 for $300 worth of electricity every month.

  3. This is codespeak for "Get ready to watch your rates go up again."

  4. Plants need carbon.

    Carbon is a natural element.

    Here is what is NOT a natural element: Highly milled microscopic nanoparticle aluminum dispersed as an aerosol.

    Now THAT'S climate change (control)!

  5. Hey Marty, I'm guilty of global warming, oosps there I go again, you are such a fart smeller, I meant smart fellar.


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