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Sunday, November 23, 2014

SPD Press Release - PSA (Off-Road Vehicle's) 11-16-14

Off Road ATV's and motorcycles PSA


  1. All they had to do was follow simple rules.This is uncalled for.When I was a kid we had dirt bikes,mini bikes and 3 wheelers & we knew not to drive on public streets or roads.How hard is it to walk the dirt bikes or 4 wheelers 50 feet or so?

  2. They drive them down E Church St to the Thirsty's on the corner of E Main/E Church. All the cops have to do is sit on the corner and pick them off. Most likely coming from the Doverdale area. They show them in the idiotic videos they make.
    Knowing all that, I can not comprehend why the po-po can't figure it out and locate them, when I can.

  3. They don't want to.

  4. And you have chased them in your car? Because they will obey the order to stop, right?

  5. Salisbury PD Look up the 12 : 00 boys from Baltimore. Act now before it gets out of hand.

    All police enforcement want the public to help , WTF . Oh , I know why , they are afraid of another Ferguson. BS , people .

  7. I think they are often following train tracks.
    I've watch those dirt bike come down Mill Street and then shoot across 50 as fast as they can go

  8. 4:30 - they say they want the public's help but that is a joke. Smoke and mirrors, either they think it makes them look good or they are not capable of doing their jobs.
    Drug dealer in the neighborhood, we know it , they know it, they even know his name.
    What do they do about it?
    Nothing.... for 2+ years... nothing.
    Our neighborhood is now invested with the roaches that buy from him. Thanks for doing nothing, worthless cops.
    They know who has the bikes.
    Listen to them on broadcastify, which SPD conveniently took down their broadcast, ya know because you don't want the public to really know what is going on.

  9. last couple of months? is that a joke or are the cops just that out of touch, try the last YEAR.
    Why wasn't this put out in the summer at the height of the problem?
    In the middle of summer you can find them just by following the noise...
    I have a description for you.... black male with his pants around his knees, holding his crotch, and waving his hands all limp wristed as if he had a clue what a gang banger was.
    Cops couldn't catch them if they ran into the side of their car

  10. 5 28 best lines ever still laughing my ass off also add 50 tatoos all over themselfs

  11. The kids do not pull over when signaled by police. Police WILL NOT chase them (vehicle pursuit) due to the extreme danger involved by a irrational 15yo on an ATV. So what would you like them to do? Chase them until one dies? Then you people will complain about that.

  12. 1053-I doubt many people would complain about that...

  13. 10:53 - these are NOT poor little 15 Yr olds.
    Any excuse, and they know it, which is why they continue to break the law.
    And when someone gets killed hitting them, or they hitting us then who will be complaining because the cops didn't do their job.
    I suggest you educate yourself and watch a few youtubes on the rampant problem with this issue in Baltimore. then speak.
    Ignorant fool.

  14. 8:23 - I agree , and it is a problem in Baltimore because they do nothing about it.

  15. I'm very educated on the problem, I've chased many until called off. Buy a clue moron.

  16. 9:06 if that were true then you would have a description and know who they are.

    You act like this is a high speed chase on a highway. Its smallsbury dude, and an ATV doesn't go that fast, when you are dodging between houses trying to flee the po-po.

    Really if you are going to lie at least make it believable.

    "Called off" from chasin an ATV. Pathetic.

  17. 9:27, For what it's worth, I have a Yamaha Blaster that does at least 75 mph.

  18. So you want police vehicles driving through yards, destroying property for the taxpayer to pick up the tag? Police will not chase ATV's/ motorcycles, scooters unless its a felony crime.

  19. 9:49 no one said that, nice try.

    And Joe, I know there are ones that go 100 MPH also, but I doubt you are going that fast when you are weavin and bobbin around trying to elude the cops.
    The average mph is 40-50

  20. This is a nuisance and they pose a much great threat to themselves....for now. The problem arises when they begin using them to commit crimes for a quick getaway.

  21. 9:49 well golly gee, why put out a PSA asking for the public's help if you aren't going to bother stopping them?

    You stop me for a tail light out (non felony), but not an ATV riding illegally down the road?

    You are an idiot.

  22. When this $hit gets as crazy as what's happening in Baltimore we'll see what these ignorant people and the police are saying then. If I happen to run over one on Rte 50 I guess I'll be charged even though it is illegal to ride these off road vehicles on the road.


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