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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Should Wicomico County Borrow More Money?

It’s approaching noon.  The agenda and briefing book for tomorrow’s Wicomico County Council meeting hasn’t been posted online.  The public won’t be able to prepare to intelligently comment at the meeting.  Yet, the outgoing council expects to vote on borrowing $16 million.  Should they?

A majority of the incoming council will be new.  The incoming County Executive is new.  Some of the funds for the expected bond offering will be for new projects (such as replacing the Westside Primary School).  Wicomico County faces a potential budget disaster.  Should this council approve putting Wicomico County even deeper in debt?

As with most things, the answer is complicated.  The county has little choice but to approve capital projects already started (such as the new Bennett Middle).  However, new projects should at least be put on hold until the new council and executive are sworn in.  They (and their successors) are the ones who will have to live with the consequences.


  1. These "Lame Ducks" will try to further their own agendas as much as they can - while saddling the new administration with the headaches...later they'll speak about how the new administration had such problems and couldn't fix anything.

    As many as can need to be there to say NO!...and loudly!

  2. Much better to do it now.Just trust me.Borrow it and take care of business.

  3. Does it really matter what the citizens of this county say or want any more? They are going to do what they want, no matter what the citizens say.


  5. They are also trying to push thru another new school.

    Hope that the RINO's on the Council (you know who you are) have the stones to stop this and that.

  6. If the interest rates are rock bottom they would be stupid NOT to take the loan now. If these projects are already in progress, get it cheap while you can.

  7. We will now see what these people are made of. Ask the question - who went to the bond meeting in New York and why. Six people went on the taxpayers' dime and Culver wasn't one of them. Inquiring minds want to know why he was not included and why 6 people needed to go. It appears to be one last attempt by Pollitt and his cronies to shove it up our butts and leave Culver with a problem. Pollitt - you are neither a statesman or a gentleman.

  8. Let's do a little math. Wicomico - Population approximately 100,000. Assuming that there are at least 2 people per household - then that means there are at least 50,000 residences.

    16,000,000 divided by 50,000 = $320 per residence - and that is being very conservative. Using the constant yield tax formula for Wicomico - this equates approximately to a 32% rise in real estate tax rates. And we thought that a 24% rise in tax rates was bad before we had the revenue cap.

    Folks - this is simply unacceptable. Our County officials should not be considering borrowing money that their asses can't cover.


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