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Friday, November 28, 2014

Shooting of 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice by Cleveland Police **Graphic**

Video Shows Police Reacted Too Fast


  1. Show the whole video where the kid was running around pointing the gun at people and chasing them around for more than 5 minutes... And the fact that the gun was in his waist band (where he reached). Granted it was fake, but an exact replica with the Orange tip removed.. Tough situation but play stupid games, win stupid prizes....

  2. looks like a lot of folks will be getting free tv's, dvd players & shoes in Cleveland soon. I believe Ferguson is currently out of these items ...

  3. The police made a tactical error by pulling up directly next to the "suspect". That poor decision caused them to react as trained and defend themselves from a deadly threat only a few feet from them and no cover.

  4. Isn't it ironic that cops usually have seconds to make a life and death decision and the public, lawyers and media will review their actions and have days and even months to make the same decision based on a video, witness account and written report and yet they will still have a difficult time coming to an agreement on what should have occcured. Never judge another person until you have walked in that person's shoes.

  5. I do not understand how black america does not comprehend that white police officers (and citizens) are frightened of them. This is a never ending cycle. Blacks end up in jail in disproportionate numbers and then wonder why they are suspected in disproportionate numbers. I have black friends that I would trust with my life and are head and shoulders above anyone I know, but I know them to be honorable, decent, wonderful people. Never assume that by the color of someone's skin they are good or evil. The average black man walking on the street does face a burden of proving himself safe simply by the fact that so many black men are judge by disproportionate statistics. Which came first ...the chicken or the egg? Turn it around. Give people no reason to mistrust. America certainly wanted to trust when they put a black man in the office of President. He was not voted in by black votes alone. We wanted to trust and believe. Now the black population and white population feel betrayed and have turned their backs again.... but not because he is black. If Ben Carson runs tomorrow he will probably win. People are looking for someone of character...not color. Wake up !!

  6. He was a 12 year kid.
    A split second decision, my ace.
    "We, the people" inspire such fear, such overwhelming fear, by our mere presence, that the police FIRST think about shooting, THEN think about "justification".
    A concise definition of a cop's job is this --- "to protect the community and to give his life in that endeavor if necessary".
    NOW, it's "protect MYSELF, even if it means killing anyone and everyone that looks scary to me".
    'We, the people" did NOT give the police the authority to kill anyone that scared them.
    But that's the reality of their world now. And ours, unfortunately.

  7. Imclain. Is a twelve year kid just a capable of pulling the trigger on a gun a an adult is? Are you an expert in weapons identification? If you had been in that situation how would you have reacted? Just wondering. You seem too know a lot about every anti cop topic posted, just want to get a feel for your area of expertise. Thanks.

  8. 3:54 why put words into a statement that doesn't mention scared, based on the fact that today anyone can kill regardless of age, when a weapon is pulled that looks like a real gun and in this case the Orange safety devise removed and the fact that the kid pulled it from his waist and pointed it at a cop which is something a reasonable person wouldn't do I say it's seconds that a decision exists and the cop has every right to go home to his family at night as well. While this is a tragedy, parents should be questioned why they allowed their 12 year old too have a gun that replicates a real weapon and that this kid didn't hesitate to point it at cops this indicates the values taught at home.

  9. 4:43...My take is this --- when the police rolled up on this KID, mere feet away from him (stupid move), they HAD to se he was a kid.
    Yes, a kid CAN pull a trigger. I was pulling one at 9 years old on the shotgun my dad gave me (along with VERY stern instructions on its proper use). I also had a BB gun. All my friends did, too. And we had BB gun battles a lot. No one called the police, but if they had, the cop would NOT have showed up and SHOT us!!
    How many 12 year olds have taken a shot at a cop, say, in the last twenty years??
    They went there and EXPECTED to see a black gunman and that's what they saw.
    I understand that a cop's job is difficult and they are a necessity, but my point is as I stated --- EVALUATE the situation and sometimes try to find a better solution than blasting away at EVERYTHING that you deem a "threat". If the choice to a cop is taking a bullet or killing a kid with a air rifle or pellet gun, then take the bullet. Cops don't get to shoot and murder because they are always "afraid" or see a "threat", or want to go safely home at the end of their shift. They SHOULD be willing to get shot at INSTEAD of killing a citizen.
    That USED to be the reasoning for police. Now, they take classes to show them how easy it is to shoot people and justify it. That's a fact.
    If you want to go home safely every night, take a safer job, like coal miner or roofer. Oh wait, those are MORE dangerous than "cop".
    How about librarian? Just stop killing so many people and saying you were "afraid". With a bulletproof vest, a 9mm pistol, and the biggest gang in the USA ready to show up in massive numbers at the drop of a hat, you are still afraid of kids? And everything else, too?? Really? How can a cop say that with a straight face?

  10. 6:00 SOunds like you'd respect them more if they were on welfare rather being a cop. You must be a liberal with that attitude. Glad most of you democrats have been voted out of office and logical intelligent people will be taking office.

  11. Registered Republican. Vote every election. Full time job. Homeowner. No criminal or civil record. No points on my license.
    Gun owner.
    Anti-murder. And I'll compare MY IQ with yours any day of the week.
    The police put THEMSELVES in danger by rolling up to a possible gun fight 3 feet from the subject. THEN say they were afraid and kill a 12 year old kid. Makes sense, huh??
    And I NEVER spoke of "welfare"....I just mentioned a job (read that again 7:35 --- a JOB) that might suit the meek and faint hearted better than being someone who empties a 9mm on everything that scares them....and apparently EVERYTHING scares them.
    Finally, I've said several times before --- police are a NECESSITY.
    I just think they have been given too much leeway in the exercise of their power and have forgotten who they work for (hint -- it's NOT the "chief" or the Sheriff) and what their job really is (see above definition).
    Be a man. Sign your name.

  12. oh yeah. Just passed another FBI check for the purchase of a 30.30.
    Took it with me. Today.
    Not too many liberals doing THAT, huh?


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