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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Senior Democratic senator says his party screwed up by pushing Obamacare in 2009 because only '5 per cent' of the population appreciated it

The Senate Democrats' top message man said Tuesday that his party erred five years ago by putting the Obamacare law ahead of economic priorities.

At a Washington news conference, New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer conceded that the vast majority of Americans were relatively happy with their employer-provided health insurance in 2009.

The health care overhaul's message, Schumer explained, was aimed at about 5 per cent of the electorate: those who lacked insurance and who voted.

'To aim a huge change in mandate at such a small percentage of the electorate made no political sense,' he said.



  1. That's a LOVELY story; and you tell it so well, with such ENTHUSIASM!

    But I won't buy it. You now control the health and welfare of everyone, and can now dictate when they die if they don't do as they're told. You can use this to manipulate the actions and income production for your benefit.

    You don't give a rat's arse if they have a productive profitable, enriching life. In fact, if half of the Baby Boomers died today, you would be rejoicing.

    But, it is a lovely story...

  2. Schmucky must be up for re-election next time around.


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